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Kk, so all dez chaps be bout HOCO and btw I'm an 11 yo so ur girliepop ain't neva been to a school dance.

luv u all and enjoy



(pls pretend its Kiran's bday 4 me, and that its 2 days later, so 5 days until homecoming. the dance)

Kiran POV:

After getting off of the bus, I ran inside. Today I was turning 13! Yayyyyy!!!!!!!! Opening the door, I shout, "Ma! Baba! I'm home!" But what I saw shocked me. "Mati? Lal? Neel?" My jaw dropped in shock. Looking at the handsome prince I might have a crush on I immediately got butterflies in my stomach. To calm myself down I focused on Mati and ran over to give her a hug.

"Mati! It's so nice to see you!" Grinning my cousin, who I prefer to refer to as my sister, (lol) hugged me back. "Kiran! I missed you too." Neel, being Neel, butted in. "Glad to see I was missed." Laughing I gave him and Lal a quick hug. Maybe a little too quick for Neel's though... (teehee I had to do that) 

Neel's POV:

As soon as Kiran gave me a hug, not even a big hug, I feel like I turned bright red. Somehow I managed to say, "We arrived just now and will be staying for a couple days." I think I saw a flash of hope on her face. "How long will y'all be here?" Kiran asked. "About 5 days, I think." Mati beat me to answering the question.

Kiran POV: (it was hard to write in Neel's POV)

Neel will be here for the dance!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!! " Where will y'all stay?" Ma and Baba looked at each other. "We have been planning this for a while, so that Mati, Lal, and Neel can see you for your birthday and go to Homecoming with you." Baba explained.  "Will Mati and I be sharing a room? I asked. Nodding Ma replied, "Yes. Neel and Lal will be in the guest room."

After showing Mati and the boys to their rooms, I joined Mati. "I need to tell you something." I whispered nervously, looking around. Leaning next to her ear, I whispered, "I um, might maybe have a teeny, tiny crush on Neel." Smirking Mati spun around to face me. "No. You are in LURVE with him." I groaned at the memory. "Do you, umm, think he likes me back?" I muttered almost sheepishly. Rolling her eyes and grinning, Mati said, "Well, duh!!!!! Girl you're a frickin idiot." Blushing, I changed the subject. "So, have you and Lal gotten together yet?" Immediately Mati slapped my arm. "Don't say that so loud!" I laughed and said, "Yall are in LURVE. Anyone could tell that!"

Suddenly I remembered. It is my birthday, which also doubles as Halloween! "Mati! I just remembered it's Halloween. Ma and Baba will make me dress up like an Indian princess, but you could do it too!"


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh, that was so cringy why am I doing this? Pls comment, vote, and yeah. 



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