TFA Sentinel Prime and his Royal Family PART 1

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- Sentinel Prime's Engagement -

On the planet of Caminus, a celestial body inhabited exclusively by female robots, a transformation was in the air. Once a feared Decepticon, Sentinel Prime had undergone a profound change, and now he was a reformed soul on a singular mission. His purpose was not of conquest or destruction, but of love—a love that had blossomed in the most unlikely of hearts.

Sentinel Prime strode with a mixture of trepidation and resolve through the bustling markets of Caminus, the myriad metallic surfaces reflecting his anxious visage. His goal was clear: to purchase an engagement ring. For he had fallen deeply for Queen Vanguardia, the regal and compassionate leader of Caminus. Their courtship had spanned a year, a year in which she had shown him forgiveness, love, and a new path forward.

The day finally came when Sentinel Prime's nerves could no longer be tempered by logic circuits and courage protocols. He had made up his mind to propose. With the delicate ring secured, he made his way to the grand royal palace. Its towering spires and intricate designs stood as a testament to the beauty and resilience of the planet's inhabitants.

"Queen Vanguardia," Sentinel Prime said, his voice steady but his spark flickering with nervous energy, "would you accompany me on a date today?"

The Queen, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and affection, agreed without hesitation. They walked through the palace gardens, a haven of serene metallic flora that resonated with the hum of their mechanical nature. They shared stories and laughter, the connection between them growing with each moment. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, Sentinel Prime knew the time had come. He halted and turned to face Queen Vanguardia, taking her hand in his. His optics met hers, filled with sincerity and hope.

"Vanguardia," he began, his voice tinged with emotion, "the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the one. You pardoned me for all the terrible crimes I have committed in the past as a Decepticon, and you gave me another reason to keep going. You've shown me what real love is. You mean the universe to me."

Queen Vanguardia's expression softened, touched by his heartfelt words. "Oh, Sentinel. That's so sweet." With a steady hand, Sentinel Prime knelt and presented a small box, opening it to reveal the engagement ring. The Queen gasped, her optics wide with surprise and joy.

"Queen Vanguardia," he said, his voice breaking slightly, "will you marry me?"

Tears glistened in Vanguardia's eyes as she smiled. "Oh, Sentinel. Of course I'll marry you. Also, I have something special for you too." To Sentinel's astonishment, Queen Vanguardia knelt down as well, producing a small box of her own. She opened it to reveal a ring meant for him. "Sentinel Prime," she asked, her voice full of love and excitement, "will you be my groom?" Overwhelmed by emotion, Sentinel Prime felt his optics brim with tears. "Yes! Yes! I do!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with joy. Queen Vanguardia chuckled softly. "Come here, you."

They both rose, and with hands trembling from excitement, they exchanged rings. Sentinel placed the delicate band on Vanguardia's finger, and she reciprocated, sealing their engagement with a promise of unity and love.

In that moment, beneath the fading light of Caminus's twin suns, a new chapter began for Sentinel Prime and Queen Vanguardia—a chapter where love triumphed over past sins, and where the future glowed bright with hope.

- The Royal Wedding -

In the aftermath of their engagement, Queen Vanguardia and Sentinel Prime talk about their future and how Sentinel would become the new King of Caminus rather than the Royal consort to the Queen of Caminus. Queen Vanguardia took Sentinel Prime to their quarters where they would have some alone time together.

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