Transformers: Animated: Shadows of Redemption-Seasons 3-4

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Chapter 40: Fire in the Sky

Megatron is frustrated now that he doesn't have his son, Orion Eclipse, as his heir or Starscream as his second-in-command since they've betrayed him. But then, Jhiaxus arrives and he offers to help Megatron and his Decepticons with their quest for revenge. Meanwhile, Knockout talks to his partner, Breakdown, about his past friendship with Starscream and he even mentions how Starscream was betrayed by his former friend, Skyfire, who renounced the Decepticons and joined the Autobots during the Great Autobot-Decepticon War. Jhiaxus tells Megatron that he can be his new second-in-command if he can help him destroy Optimus Prime and claim both the Allspark and the Matrix of Leadership.

Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots return to Earth which they've considered to be their second home where they find a frozen Autobot in the Arctic Circle. They thaw him out of the block of ice and the Autobot introduces himself as Skyfire. Meanwhile, Starscream, Slipstream, and their fellow Seekers plan on overthrowing Megatron so that the Decepticons can have a new leader since Megatron has become dangerously powerful and unhinged after Blackarachnia turned him into a triple-changer. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots bring Skyfire back to their base in Detroit where they introduce Skyfire to Sari Sumdac.

As it turns out, Optimus Prime and the Autobots have been collecting the techno-organic Energon over the past few months and they've had Decepticon encounters because the Decepticons want to collect the techno-organic Energon for Megatron to use for his schemes. Now that it seems that all the techno-organic Energon has been collected while most of them were stolen by the Decepticons, they now have to come up with a plan to make sure that Megatron doesn't try to destroy the Earth again. Skyfire decides to join Optimus Prime and his team on their mission to protect the Earth and humanity from the evil forces of the Decepticons.

When our heroes head over to a forest, Starscream and his clones come out of hiding and have Optimus Prime and his team outnumbered. When Starscream sees Skyfire, memories of Skyfire betraying Starscream and renouncing the Decepticons to join the Autobots cause the Seeker to go after Skyfire in an attempt to make him pay for betraying him many stellar cycles ago. Optimus Prime tries to stop Starscream and he tries to convince him and Slipstream to join the Autobots so that they can work on defeating Megatron once and for all, but Starscream and Slipstream refuse. Sari Sumdac knew that Slipstream being reformed was too good to be true as she just goes back to her evil ways and works with Starscream.

The Autobots fight the Seekers and Skyfire helps our heroes while at the same time, Starscream tries to destroy Skyfire as payback for betraying him many stellar cycles ago. When the City Speaker, Windblade, comes to help Optimus and his team fight off the Seekers, she saves Skyfire before Starscream kills him and Starscream fights Windblade and Skyfire before Starscream retreats with Slipstream and the Seekers. Afterward, Optimus Prime and his Autobot team return to the Autobot base to have Ratchet mend their injuries.

Chapter 41: The Decepticon Menace

Optimus Prime goes to an abandoned building to investigate a crime scene that Captain Fanzone spoke about when suddenly, Optimus Prime confronts a shadowy figure with piercing red eyes. To his shock, the figure reveals himself as Sentinel Prime, now reborn as the vengeful Decepticon renamed, Jhiaxus. Jhiaxus blames Optimus for his downfall as Sentinel Prime and vows to exact revenge on him, accusing him of stealing his girlfriend, Elita-One.

Despite Optimus's attempts to reason with him, Jhiaxus insists on his new identity and launches a fierce attack. The battle between them is intense, with Jhiaxus using his enhanced strength, claws, and lasers, while Optimus counters with his Energon axe and strategic prowess. Their fight spills out of the building into the moonlit night, highlighting their contrasting approaches—Jhiaxus's brute force against Optimus's determined resolve.

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