XI. Revelations

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     Their return home was

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Their return home was... eventful to say the least. Charlie was absolutely furious at both teens, and rightfully so. Addie and Bella's departure had been completely unexpected. The sheriff coming home from work to find a note from Bella of few words that stated she was leaving to go to Italy with Alice and Addie to save Edward from trouble sent him into a whirlwind of confusion, fury, and a full parental crisis.

The lousy note plus the fact that they'd been gone for three days and Charlie hadn't heard a single word from either of them to know if they were hurt or even alive, warranted them both a long conversation about communication and responsibility as well as the fact that what they did was moronically reckless.

Even though Addie wasn't his daughter or his responsibility, Charlie had still grown attached to the young girl during her months of living with them and caring for Bella. He was grateful the Cullens had returned, minus one, and she could be reunited with her family again. But he was definitely going to miss having her around the house all the time.

If it wasn't for her, he probably would've blown up the house and killed them all during his attempts at cooking dinner on the multiple occasions where pizza actually began to taste disgusting. He'd honestly lost count of how many times she wordlessly would adjust the temperatures and seasonings or even remove metal cans of spaghetti sauce from the microwave before he could hit 'start'. Always with a kind smile so he would never feel embarrassed or ashamed.

Somehow the charming young vampire had convinced Charlie to let Bella come over to the Cullen residence for a "dinner" with her family as a small get together for returning home. It was a ploy for them discuss everything that had happened with the Volturi, and Bella had everyone vote for their decision on whether or not to turn her.

Realistically, it wasn't a fair vote to Edward's dismay, considering he and Rosalie were the only two who opposed. And frankly, there was no choice in the matter; either they turned her or they all died.

Addie just wanted the best for her family and for Bella. If she had to choose between having her brother despise her for all eternity or losing her family to the Volturi for not following up on their promise, Addie would always choose whatever kept everyone she loved alive.

The next morning Adeline found herself pulling her Audi up a muddy driveway and parking in front of a familiar cabin. It was just as charming as it was the last time she was here with a few wind chimes swaying with the breeze and a wide array of plants and flowers lined along the porch.

Though there was a gloomy aura radiating from inside the cabin that she could only imagine was caused by her somehow. Adeline chewed on the inside of her cheek nervously, suddenly struck with a strange sense of anxiety.

Would Paul be angry? Most likely. But that didn't matter. She told herself it didn't, at least. She'd made him a promise and she was simply coming to show that she had fulfilled such promise.

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