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WHEN YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING THE FIRST THING YOU DID WAS CHECK YOUR PHONE, WHAT YOU SAW WAS NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED TO BE WAKING UP TO. As you rubbed your eyes to adjust to the bright screen on your phone, the moment you read the notifications you froze.

e.jeager accepted your follow request

e.jeager requested your account

You felt your heart drop. You didn't even know you followed him last night. You seriously needed to tell Historia.

Since Historia had morning practice she couldn't give you a ride, so obviously you took the bus. You continued to stare at the follow request from Eren as you speed walked towards the school.

Historia was either in the dance studio or girls locker room. You needed to be early anyways for the morning announcements and also you had a meeting with your counselor so you had some time to spare before your other plans.

You wallked down the huge hallway in the direction of the dance studio and from afar you could hear music playing and some shoes squeaking. You were scared to interupt so you awkwardly just waited by the door, but immediately stood up when you heard the door budge.

You jumped in suprise to see some under classmen who also jumped back in suprise.

"Oh! Good morning, Solane!"One smiled at you with a cheerful smile. The sound of your name caused a particular blonde to perk up.

"Sol's here?"Historia said aloud, her head whipped in the direction of the door and you waved at her with a kind smile to which she returned.

"What are you doing here?"Historia gasped, grinning from ear to ear, skipping over to you.

"I have something to tell you."You said and Historia's eyes went wide.

"Gossip! Let's go! Practice just ended, let's walk around so you can tell me!"Historia grabbed your hand, pulling the two of you into the hallway.

And that's exactly what you did, you and Historia roamed the halls, filling her in on your master plan of getting into Stanford.

"So you're letting that dumbass, Connie, coerce you, student body president and Miss Valedictorian—"

"Okay first of all, this isn't coercion if I'm willingly doing this, and second, me being Valedictorian isn't something that's confirmed."You stopped Historia in her tracks.

Historia gave you a look.

"Bitch, be fucking for real. You didn't even mean to follow Eren, now you're actually taking Connie's stupid idea into consideration. Also, everyone in school knows it's you whose on track for Valedictorian."Historia crossed her arms to which you sighed.

"Okay, so what should I do?"You asked and she shrugged.

"I feel like you just shouldn't be doubting yourself, I understand how big a letter of recommendation is from an Alumni of a University let alone the fucking Mayor, but need I remind you, you need to be friends with Eren?"Her voice was laced with concern, you took her words into thought, she was totally right.

But you really wanted to get into Stanford.

"Should I just ask him?"You said aloud and Historia tilted her head.

"Do you think he's really gonna do something like that for you?"Historia questioned, not really on board with the plan.

"I mean, I'm a great tutor?"You suggested, you found yourself leaning against the wall.

Historia was thinking as well but then she gasped.

"History!"She exclaimed to which your head shot up.

"Eren fucking sucks at any social studies class, he's in our AP Government class too, offer to tutor him in that."Historia grinned, your eyes lit up at her suggestion.

"Right! I scratch his back, he scratches mine!"You grinned and Historia nodded but then she paused.

"But it's not a guaranteed yes I hope you know."Historia reminded, dragging you back down to earth.

"Might as well give it a shot no?"You shrugged.

Your AP Government class trickled into the classroom, you anxiously waited for Eren to walk in. Unfortunately, your teacher had assigned a seating chart, fortunately, you sat right next to Eren.

Historia sat a few seats away from you, her eyes looked towards you and you returned her glace, but a glimpse of brown hair caught your eye. You broke eye contact and saw who you were waiting for.

Eren was looking at you, but as quickly as he locked eyes with you he looked away and towards the board, searching for his name.

That was when he looked back at you, eye contact was made once again. You immediately looked away, cursing yourself for staring. You were being fucking weird.

You could hear the sound of his foot steps walking towards the seat behind you. The chair scrapped against the floor and the sound of his backpack hitting the ground made you jump.

You moved your eyes to Historia who was already looking at you, she motioned her head in his direction to which you nodded.

You let out a deep breath and turned around. Eren had his chin rested on his head and he was staring directly at you. Your eyes went wide.


"Connie told me."Eren interrupted, you felt chills run down your spine from the bass of his voice.

"About the Stanford thing?"You stuttered out and he blinked slowly.

"About the Stanford thing."He repeated and you bit your lip. There was an awkward silence that followed, and just as you were about to turn around and face the teacher, Eren's voice stopped you.

"I'll do it."Eren suddenly said.

"What?"You gasped, you hadn't even proposed what you had to offer.

"What? Are you deaf? I said I'll do it."Eren furrowed his brows and your mouth had fallen open in shock.

"Only, if you tutor me."He quickly added and you paused. For a second you thought he was just gonna do it without asking you of anything. A fool you were, but you had no place to complain, he was going to be doing you a ginormous favor.

"Anything you want, you got it."You smiled at him and he nodded. You turned back around with a smile on your face and Historia tilted her head to which you caught her eyes, you sent a small thumbs up to which she smiled.

Unbeknownst to you, the smile on your face caused Eren to crack one as well, but had quickly hidden it with his hand. However he had remembered something to which he leaned a little closer behind you to your left ear and he whispered something, sending goose bumps around your skin.

"You should seriously accept my follow request on instagram though, I don't wanna make you seem like a fan."

yesss lover boy eren so cute
also might be lagging on this fic bc i have college classes and
volleyball practice WHICH HIGHKEY SUCKS CUS ITS SUMMER but i js gotta lock in

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