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YOU WERE SAT DOWN IN YOUR ENGLISH CLASS AT A TABLE WITH SASHA, CONNIE, AND JEAN, WHO WERE LEANING IN TO EVERYTHING YOU WERE SAYING. You were catching them up on yesterdays events, where you were speaking with Eren and talked him into being his tutor.

"You dick, Connie why'd you tell him!"Sasha smacked Connie's arm.

"Ow!— It slipped okay, listen, I'm just trying to help a friend out, also does Historia really think I'm a dumbass?"Connie frowned and you rolled your eyes.

"There's no way that worked so easily."Jean exasperated in complete shock.

"That little shit head doesn't even say yes to me for anything and all you had to do was ask!"Jean groans to which Sasha nudges him.

"Stop making this about you, fucking baby."She glared, Jean stuck his tongue out while simultaneously rubbing his arm.

"You think he likes you, maybe that's why he gave in so easily?"Connie asked and you rolled your eyes.

"God forbid Eren actually wants help with passing his classes, cmon guys, do you really think that the only reason he said yes was to get in my pants?"The entire table looked at each other, Sasha, Connie, and Jean all exchanged looks before turning to you and you sighed.

"You guys are terrible friends."You shook your head and Connie laughed.

"Ok sorry, you're right, let me have a little faith in Mister Jeager."Jean put his hands up.

"You know what, who cares about his intentions, besides, he said yes, you're getting that letter of rec girl!"Sasha grinned and you giggled.

The bell rang, signalling school had come to an end. You stood up from your seat and Jean's eyes followed you.

"You tutoring Eren today?"Jean asked and you hummed in response.

"Yeah, we're meeting in the library."You slung your book bag over your shoulder.

Sasha let out an a whistle.

"Good luck girl!"She cheered you on, holding out her fist for you to punch to which you did.

"Anyways, later morons, and my sweet beautiful intelligent Solane, I got practice to go to!"Sasha quickly got up, beating you out the door.

You followed behind the girl but quickly made your way in the direction of the Library. You can't help but feel a little nervous, Eren's Paradis Prep's heart throb and just the most nonchalant person you'll ever meet, it's hard to make conversation like that.

You understood the hype about Eren, his looks, his status, his money, his sweet ride, his athletic abilities, the list goes on. You shouldn't dwell on it though, he needs your help and you need his.

You had entered the large library and looked down at your phone, you sent Eren a quick text letting him know you were here in study room 4.

That was ten minutes ago, you sat there with books and your notes. You found yourself frustrated, but quickly tried shaking it off, it was hard to though. He didn't even respond to the message or read it. You really hoped he wasn't wasting your time.

Another ten minutes passed, and you were now irritated. You decided to send a double text but before you could touch your phone the devil bursted through the door.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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