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In the morning

As the sun rose, its golden rays gently streamed through the curtains, gradually illuminating their room Slowly, the gentle touch of sunlight caressed her face, waking her up from her deep slumber.

"Uth ja behen (Wake up) It's time to get up."Jeia's roommate saniya who just woke up tried waking her up

Saniya: (a bit louder) "Jeia, come on. We have to get going."

Jeia: (still unresponsive, turns slightly but remains asleep)

Saniya: (sighs, shakes her more firmly) "oye kumbhkaran ki chhatti aulaad uthja" (sleepy head wake up)
"Seriously, how can you sleep through this?
Saniya thinks of something
Suddenly she went near her ear and let out a horrified scream
Saniya:- AHHHHHH.
"Chor chor kaha hai chor" (thief thief where's the theif) Jeia jolted awake
Saniya burst out laughing upon seeing her reaction.Jeia glared at her realising she pulled a stupid stunt to wake her up

Saniya:- Now get up or do you want me to scream more
Jeia:- I am going to take revenge
On saying this she went to get ready

While walking towards college

They were talking about random things Suddenly, a bike sped past closer from them, causing saniya's skirt to flutter up a little

"Abey oye this is not some race course paagal" jeia yelled but the biker didn't stop and soon disappear from their sight
She turned towards saniya and said "this is definitely that rich brat."
"Kaun?" (Who) Saniya asked
"Can't you see it's his bike Aarav Singhania's I don't understand what he thinks of himself couldn't even apologize".
Saniya said "it's okay jeia not a big deal."

"You are saying this because you have a crush on him." Jeia responded
A blush crept on saniya's cheeks
"Chalo." (Let's go), She said

At Parking lot

Author's Pov

There he was Aarav Singhania. He parked his sleek motorcycle on the parking lot , the engine's roar capturing everyone's attention. As he removed his helmet, revealing his chiseled features and a confident smile, a hush fell over the courtyard. Girls swooned, captivated by his effortless charisma, while guys watched with a mix of envy and admiration. His presence seemed to electrify the air, making it impossible for anyone to look away as he strode away from his bike with an air of cool confidence.

Jeia's Pov

The classroom buzzed with a low murmur as students settled into their seats, Moments later, the professor entered, signaling the start of the class. The students quickly quieted down, focusing their attention on the front of the room.Just as the professor began to speak, the door swung open dramatically. In walked Aarav Singhania, the boy I dislike the most."Amir baap ki bigdi Hui aulaad." (spoiled brat of a rich father). I scoffed
Saniya heard me and said "Just because he is your academic rival that doesn't mean you have to hate him."

"Hate him?? I don't have time to hate him I just don't like how he get away with everything just because his father is rich."

That's true Aarav wasn't just another spoiled rich kid and a playboy. What made him truly unbearable was his intelligence. Despite his careless attitude, Aarav would often treaten my top position in class matching me grade for grade, assignment for assignment. He was my academic rival.It has been like this for the entire course and now we are about to enter last year of MBBS. I don't seem to understand ki isko time kaise mil jaata hai padhne ka ( how does he get time to study) when he is always seen partying or having new girl in his arm every week.

"Today I'll have momos." Saniya said breaking my trail of thoughts
We went to the canteen and grabbed a table
"Tu ruk (you stay) I'll bring the food."She said, I hummed in response being busy on my phone

I noticed a chair move in front of me
Thinking it must be saniya I looked up only to realise it's him

"Hey bhukkad (hey voracious eater)".he said
With a smirk,he knew how his presence irritated me

To be continued~~

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Words count 3100+

Tell me
1) Did you like our jeia???
2) How about Aarav?? 😉

PS:- author is already swooning over aarav 😚🤌🏻

My I'd is


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