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Jeia's POV

The alarm startled me awake from a deep sleep. With a groan, I dragged myself to the bathroom for a quick, warm shower.

After getting dressed, I joined everyone in the dining area where they were already seated. Greeting them with a nod, I settled at the table, ready to start eating.

After a while

I walked towards my class alone as Saniya was not well so she didn't come.As I entered, I noticed Rohan standing at the front with a bruised face.

I wondered who had done that. All eyes turned towards me as I walked in, leaving me bewildered.

"Attention, everyone," Rohan spoke up. "Few days ago, I did something that I deeply regret." He paused, taking a deep breath.

"Jeia, I'm really sorry for sending your old picture in the class group. It was me, not Aarav. I had a grudge against him and thought of framing him. I stole his phone and did it.

Aarav, I'm sorry," he added, glancing behind me I noticed Aarav stood behind me.

Rohan came forward and stood in front of me. "I'm really sorry, Jeia. Please forgive me," he said sincerely.

My blood boiled with anger, and I felt the urge to punch him, but I restrained myself.

"I forgive you, Rohan," I said, but added firmly, "But never show me your face again. Guys like you are nothing but trash, and I don't want to see trash in front of me." With that, I moved past him.

"So, Chipkali, I told you it wasn't me," Aarav's voice cut in.

"I—" I started.

"Don't worry, no need to apologize. My heart is big enough, I've already forgiven you," he interrupted with a smirk.

I made a face at him. Who's apologising to him?

"By the way, I was thinking, why can't we just become friends? What do you say? Friends?" Aarav asked, extending his hand.

"Us? Friends? Seriously?" I asked, shocked.

"Why not? We're already classmates, we see each other every day since you're staying at our place. We're mature enough to stop our petty fights, plus I don't bite, unless you want me to," he teased.

"First of all eww second of all we can become friends but you better stop calling me Chipkali. Seriously, Chipkali? I hate them," I stated firmly.

"Fine, I'll stop if you stop calling me by my surname. My name is quite nice, you know," he replied.

"Friends," he said again, extending his hand.

This time, I shook his hand, smiling. "Friends."

I moved towards my seat, thinking, "Wow, that was easy, lol."

During break time, I found myself eating alone when Aarav's voice broke the silence. "Aaj akele hi?" he asked.
(Alone today?)

"Yeah, Saniya wasn't feeling well, so she took the day off," I explained as Aarav and Sameer settled at the table.

"Oh, what happened to her?" Sameer inquired.

"Just common cold and fever," I replied.

We ate our food peacefully. It was a refreshing change to have a normal conversation with Aarav, and I realized he wasn't too bad, aside from his cringe-worthy pick-up lines. The three of us laughed and chatted randomly, and for once, I genuinely smiled around Aarav, unlike the forced smiles I used to give him when he annoyed me.

Suddenly, a girl approached our table. She looked stunning in her attire.She started talking to Aarav or rather say flirting.

She reached out to touch his face and stroked her hand down to his neck. I watched as Aarav gently removed her hand and distanced himself.

"Excuse me, but could you please go? We're just trying to eat our food without any disturbance," Aarav said firmly, looking directly at her.

Both Sameer and I choked on our food in shock at Aarav's directness. The girl walked away, muttering curses under her breath.

"What the heck just happened?" Sameer and I exclaimed in unison.

"What?" Aarav questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You rejected a girl, Aarav, and a hot chick at that! That's new," Sameer teased.

"I know, right?" I chimed in.

"You both are talking as if I'm some womanizer," Aarav retorted.

"Haha, hai tu," Sameer teased back.
(Yes,you are)

I couldn't control my laughter any longer; it erupted out of me, and I laughed so hard that my stomach started to ache.

Aarav just stared at me

"Sorry, sorry," I managed to say between laughs, but I couldn't help bursting into another fit of giggles.

"Excuse me, I am not a womanizer. Girls come to me; I never chase them," Aarav clarified.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Sameer and I exclaimed in unison once again, exchanging a high five and leaving Aarav to whine in frustration.

In the  evening

Author's pov

Grandma and Pari exchanged glances, noticing the changed behavior between Aarav and Jeia. They were talking normally unlike their usual bickering and arguing

Vihaan sat quietly, focused on his dinner.

"What happened to you both? Just yesterday, you were bickering and fighting. She was upset with you," Grandma asked, puzzled.

"Well, Dadi," Aarav began, "we decided to leave our rivalry behind and become friends. Right, Jeia?"

"Actually, yes, Dadi," Jeia nodded. "But Aarav, don't forget, I'm still your competition," she added with a playful smile.

"Fair enough," Aarav responded, grinning. "Let's see who tops the finals, Jeia."

To be continued....

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