Ch. 1 - New Year, New Teacher.

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Venus' POV-

"V! It's 7!" I woke up to my little sister jumping on my bed and sitting next to me. "Huh?" I groaned and slowly sat up.

I whipped my eyes and looked over at my sister. "Its 7am, wake up!" She giggled, i pulled her into a hug. "Hey, let me go!" She started to wiggle around to get out of my grasp making me giggle silently.

"Lily, go get dressed, ill be down shortly." I let her go and swung my legs over the side of my bed, placing my elbows on my knees and placing my head in my hands.

"Okay, can you make pancakes?!" Lily asked, jumping off my bed and running around it to stand in front of me. "Yeah, sure sweety, just get ready please. And don't forget your teeth." I told her, then she skipped happily out of my room.

I smiled at my sister and stood up, i walked to my dresser and open the top drawer and pulled out my black sports bra and red panties. I open the middle drawer and pulled out my black ripped jeans.

I grabbed my towel from the hook on the back of my bedroom door and walked down the hall towards the bathroom.

I set my clothes down on top of the closed toilet and turned the water on for the shower, before striping my long t-shirt and boy short i had thrown on last night.

I felt the water from the shower until it got hot. Once it was the heat i wanted, i threw my towel on the towel rack and stepped in to the shower, feeling the hot water run down my bare breasts.

I turned around and placed my arm on the wall, i rest my head on my arm while the hit water ran down my back and dripped down my legs.

My dick started to get hard from me think of girls Fucking, so i started to slowly stroke it. "Ah, fuck yes.." I groaned quietly as i used my free hand to play with my wet breasts.

"Mhh.." I moaned, as i came in to the bathtub and it got washed away with the water. "Finally. Uh, first day of grade 12." I groaned washing my hands in the shower water and grabbed the shampoo.

I poured shampoo on my hand and set the bottle back down, i rubbed my hands together to spread the soap and rubbed it into my hair.

"Mhh, this is nice.." I mumbled, leaning my head back and washing the shampoo out of my hair.

I grabbed my body wash and poured some on my luffa. I lathered up soap on my body before washing it off. 'Damn, i should shave.' I thought looking down at the bush that was growing on my crotch.

I stuck my hand out of the shower to grab my razor and shaving cream. I pulled them into the shower and step out of the water abit and faced the opposite wall.

I shook the can of shaving foam and rubbed some on to my crotch, i started to use my razor to shave my pubis hair.

After i finished shaving, i placed the cream, and the razor on the sink counter, i rinsed off the pubic hair and the shaving cream before shutting off the shower.

I grabbed my towel from the rack and pulled it towards my body, before wrapping it around my chest and stepping out of the shower, onto the rug.

I took the towel off and dried my body, i pulled on my underwear and jeans, then put my sports bra on. I wrapped my towel around my hair and stood infront of the mirror.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my hair comb, i picked up my pajamas which were my long shirt, and boy shorts, before leaving the bathroom. I threw mt pajamas in the laundry bin in the doorway of my room and headed downstairs.

"Hey V!" Lily squealed and wrapped her arms around my legs. "Hey, Lil." I rubbed her head, and picked her up. "Whoa. Can you make pancakes now?!" Lily asked giggling.

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