Ch. 2 - Shopping, and Girl's Night!

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There will be drug use, strip club, masturbation, and drinking in this chapter.

So we're clear, Charlie and Venus are 18!
Venus' POV-

I have worked from 3 pm to 10 pm, or you could say now. I had stepped out of the women's locker in my black jeans, and sports bra, with my leather jacket over top without the buttons done.

Around 8:30, I had received a message from Charlie saying that Lily had fallen asleep while they were watching Youtube. I sent her a thumbs up and went back to work.

I pulled my phone out and dialled Charlie. "Hey, I just moved Lily into my room. What's up?" Charlie asked. "Could you pick me up? And I need to run an errand." I answered her sitting on the curb.

"Sure. What errand? And at this time?" She asked and I heard a door open and close. "I need to go shopping." I heard her car start up and start to drive.

"Be there in 20." She said and hung up. I nodded to myself and grabbed my headphones from my bag and put them on, before turning them on and connecting them to my phone.

I scrolled on Youtube shorts for a while until I heard Charlie's Muscle car pull up in front of me. I stood up and walked around the car, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Where do you need to go?" Charlie pulled away from the Water Park. "Walmart." I responded laying back in my seat about to shut my eyes. "Hey, no sleeping yet, we'll go shopping then your coming to my house because your to tired." Charlie slapped me and my eyes flew open.

"O-Ok." I stuttered. "Alright, want me to come in?" She asked and pulled into a free parking space close to the entrance. I nodded and she got out of the car and locked it behind me.

We walked into Walmart holding hands like we always do and I grabbed a cart to put what I needed in it. "What section first?" Charlie asked and climbed into the big part of the cart and facing me, making me giggle.

"Um, frozen food." I head towards the frozen food section. "So, where do you want to go for girls night on friday? My Mom will watch Lily for you." Charlie asked with a smile as I put chicken fingers, milk, freezes, two pizza's, and shrimp in the cart. Then I left the aisle and headed for the next one, which was the electronic section.

"Um, Rainbow Paradise?" I asked to see if she wanted to go. "Of course, and Lena's out of town for the weekend, so yeah, the strip club sounds amazing!" She responded happily. "Okay." I just nodded along.

I found what I was looking for and called an employee over to get it for me. "How can I help you Ma'am?" The man asked. "Could you unlock this so I can get it please?" I point in the class at the Nintendo switch. "Of course, anything else from there?" He asked, unlocking the sliding glass door.

"Yeah, Pokemon Scarlet." I said happily. 'Lily will love it!' I squealed in my head. "Hey, you really spoil her don't you?" Charlie asked with a smile. "Here you go ma'am." The man handed me the switch with the game on top. "Thank you." I replied and he nodded before leaving.

"Yeah, I do. It's not like anyone else, beside you and your mom, will get her anything." I said, pushing the cart. "Yeah your right. Oh, and sorry, my mom gave her a chocolate bar." She said a little embarrassed. "It's all good. I said no pop, not chocolate." I replied with a giggle making her cheer up.

"Hey, isn't that Ms. Remy over there?" Charlie asked and pointed behind me. I turned around and my eyes locked with her's.

I tried to walk away, pushing the cart with Charlie inside, but she caught up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Venus? Charlie? What are you two doing here at this time?" She asked, looking between the two of us.

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