🧹||Eye catching||🧹

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This is like an old them of how medkit lost his eye soooo yeah
pchapter for the hunger🤑(Tw : bad words ig and blood text:3)

Medkit sighed as he sat in his seat ready for work, it has been days or pp tyh po even werks ever since medkit has slept. His eyes were practically drooping as if he was gonna die by now oh if god could tell you on how long he haven't been sleeping for.

mean While for subspace he was fresher then my vision, Jumping around and pretty much like ikea.
"MEDDY!!!!!" Subspace yelled, at medkit who was clearly not in the mood right now.

"MEDDY" lMEDDY" "MEDDY!!!!!!" Subspace, yelled at least one last time before medkit eventually snapped "WHAT THE PHUCK DO YOU WANT!" Medkit, not amused at subspace at all.

"can you pleaseee hangoutt with me after work!!!!!" Subspace begged, with him pleading as well doggy eyes visible from a mile away.

"PLEASEEEEEEE" Subspace begged even more, in which medkit was more annoyed than you can possible imagine.

"Subspace if you dont phucking shut your mouth im quiting"

"ugh! fine suit yourself, meddy!"
Subspace rolled his eyes And walked away leaving medkit in silence.



(2 hours later)
Eventually subspace called medkit in beacuse subspace and medkit were arguing on what crystal they should make with the last bit of coco powder.
"We need crystals that hurt people, meddy! Subspace proudly yelled at medkit
"No subspace, healing wont solve problems and you cant even play for your hospital bill when you get hurt!
you need healing crystals.."
Medkit said lightly.

"subspace listen to me"

subspace obiously wasent listening, but while medkit was yapping about stuff subspace made the crystal tripmine

subspace shouted at medkit as he threw the tripmine exploding into little bits into medkits eye,

Medkit yelped in shock, he couldnt even get anger out of himself.
"shit..." is all that medkit could spit out as more blood shatterd down medkits face.

"Well whos hypothesis is correct now!! meddy?"

Medkit said to subspace

subspace angrily looked at medkit

"Did I studder?"

(Alr this is erm... the end ig?)

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