A shared mind: Part 2

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???'s P.O.V:

What... Happened? Where am I? The last... thing I remember is saving that sweet robot boy from getting crushed by that weird eyeless giant, and we defeated it.

Then I felt very weak, needing energy but I felt my heart was gonna ... But I feel fine now, yet exhausted all the same.

And where did this incredible knowledge come from in my mind, and this new... connection?

Is it from Tech boy? Oh dear, Did my Osmosian absorption got him!? Is he hurt!?




"Miss, You can wake up now." I heard an unfamiliar voice, and a hand lightly shaking my shoulder.

This startled me, popping my eyes awake and scrambled myself out of the blankets, But then familiar green robot yet human like hands gently grab my shoulders, stopping me from almost slipping out of the bed.

"Whoa, Whoa, Easy! Easy, It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you." He reassures me, as I took a peak, and see it was Tech boy!

"It's you! You're okay!" I gasped with a smile, relieved he's completely fine. "Yes. I am alright. How about you?" He asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm still a bit out of whack from being pulled in by that dimensional rift. But I seem to be okay at the moment." I said as I lightly push myself up and out of bed.

But then my legs felt weak and almost lost my balance if Tech boy hadn't helped me from falling and gently sat me back down on the bed. "Well, More or less."

"You've absorbed some of HQ's electrical power, and just went through surgery. You'll feel better in a couple more minutes with help from a piece of my core I gave to you. And with these back." Tech boy said, while handing me my Charms.

"Thank you. But, What were you doing with them?" I asked, while strapping my belt with my charms back on and place the Keystone of Bezel back on my choker.

"I was analyzing the Charms. And don't worry, one of my friends now learned not to mess with your charm of electricity, since it brought Bouncing boy quite a shock." He said, while we lightly chuckled at his pun.

"Huh, Curious. I wasn't much for sense of humor. Yet now, I feel..." He said, seeming in thought, or as his kind, the Coluan, go for, calculating.

"Lightly more human with your emotions." I said, finishing his train of thought. He nodded 'yes' to my correct assumption.

"And I think it's thanks... to you. You and I are a part of each other now, Detecting gentle pulses and a flow of your energy, mana, knowledge, and..." He says, in fascination of our connection.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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