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Lin Xi xiao zhan friend who went back to his home star planet it isn't as advanced and riches like the imperial star and it takes a journey of two weeks from the imperial star where he studies back to his star planet, his alpha father died few years back he was a soldier and died in war, his omega dad since his alphas death his health detoriated and now was completely bedridden.

The money given to their family after the fathers was used up for medication and treatment, but the treatment isn't that good in their planet star and the only place that has good and advanced treatment and is a sure bet for the omega dad to recover is the imperial star.

But the problem is accomodation, houses in the imperial star is very expensive and they can't afford, Lin Xi is really worried about his omega dad's health and he is just a beta and he isn't as previlaged as alphas, he works hard and he money he gets goes directly to his dads treatment but it is still not enough.

His only friend is xiao zhan he didn't tell him much about his family problems, once in a while Xiao zhan do send some money and no matter how much he refuses zhan always insist on giving him something and is ready to help him, his pride can't allow him to tell his omega friend his now problem it's better to work and gets his own money that will help his family.

"Dad I got some money here, I've transferred the money to your account, be sure to let Lin Da buy the medicines and things that you need." Lin Xi said while feeding his omega dad who looks pale and weak.

"You don't have to come back all the time, and you shouldn't waste money on me, remember you need to save money for yourself and your brother he is still young, I am already like this and buying medicine for me is just waste of money." Lan wei said weakly  and his face got even more paler after he was done speaking, he is not sure for how long he will be able to hold on, luckily his beta son is now studying in the imperial military school which is the best school in the interstellar world.

The youngest who is ten years old is an omega, he doesn't know how his precious babies will survive if he could no longer keep on going, their lives became even more worse after he became sick, the treatment is becoming more each passing day and he really doesn't want to worsen the condition his babies are in.

"Dad don't say that, you will get better soon, the doctor said as long you follow the instructions and not be so depressed you will be okay and recover quickly, we can't survive without you here dad." Lin Xi who will never let anything happen to his dad said, he lost his alpha dad in war and he doesn't want to lose the only parent he now has.

He will work hard and get enough money and make sure his family lives more comfortably, he will think of a way to earn money quickly so that his omega dad and young brother can join him in the imperial star, he needs his dad to get proper medical care and become better, the living condition in their planet star is not really suitable.

He knows of some alphas and betas who form group mercenaries who goes to hunt and kill alien beasts and zergs and sometimes perform other tasks like being a bodyguards and transporting goods too, the money earned as long you finish the task given is good and just one pay might enable him him to bring his family to the imperial star and get an accomodation, and if he can be able to do it several times his dad treatment won't be a problem.

He saw a notice  today in the morning wanting mercenaries to transport goods to planet A and the pay is really good, he has already applied and was approved, they will leave today in the evening and he needs to prepare everything for his family.

Wang yibo left to the palace to meet his so called 'family' for lunch, he allowed Xiao zhan to go see his family and spend a day there.

Yibo noticed since he showed his animal form to Xiao zhan he wasn't as clingy as before but kept a certain distance, it can't be that he scared the little omega right? But his baby form is really small and can't be that scary, it's way smaller compared to the little rabbit, with his obvious four claws and even small horns the little rabbit called him a snake!.

A mighty dragon like him is lowered to that level of a snake! Since when did a snake have claws and even horns! Snakes slither and he walks theirs really a big difference! What made the little rabbit think he is actually a snake! Even if he were to eat the little rabbit one day it can't be the way the little rabbit is thinking!.

Xiao zhan who was called by his mom for lunch ate very little making his mom and dad scared and they wondered if their baby was sick and they were about to call the family doctor.

"Mom, dad I am on diet, I want to lose weight my rabbit form I look very fat." Zhan said while rubbing his stomach which was still hungry and his gaze didn't leave the tempting food in front of him and swallowed hard.

"Baby tell me who bullied you and called you fat! Don't worry daddy will take teach that person a lesson! My baby is not fat but healthy!" Mr xiao shouted and was ready to storm out and deal with that villain who wants to misled his good baby.

Zhan face turned a little red and said.

"No one said anything to me, I just noticed that I have become more round and I want to lose weight."

How dare he say the real reason! What if one day Wang yibo became very hungry and since he is a plumpy little rabbit and Wang yibo decided to swallow him wholly, he knows snakes loves eating rabbits! If he is no longer plumpy but rather thin Wang yibo will surely ignore him and eat others right?"

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