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After a long shower, the couple got dressed and did the rest of their morning routine. As they stepped out of the building, a nice breeze washed over their faces. Hand in hand they made their way to the nearby forest, carrying their bags on their backs. It took quite some time till they found themselves on their favorite spot.
A big grass field with lots of flowers, surrounded by the beautiful trees while birds sang their melodies, giving the place its final glory.

Tobio let go of Kei's hand and dropped his bag on the floor. Carefree he took a few steps forward and twirled around, making lots of insects fly around hin. If you asked Kei, this scene was exactly what heaven looks like to him.

The blonde let out a little laugh while picking up the abandoned Bag off the floor, admiring the scenery in front of him.

Tobio kneeled down „Kei! Look! Isn't he beautiful?" he said excitedly, holding up his index finger. On said finger, a beautiful purple Butterfly found its place.

„Mhm, very beautiful"

The younger took a look at his boyfriend, expecting him to look at the beautiful creature he was showing hin. Instead they made eye contact.

„Why are you-"

It took Tobio a while to understand what was going on.

„You idiot! You have to look at the butterfly, not me!"

He yammered, trying to stop himself from getting flustered.

„You just asked if he was beautiful, and I responded truthfully. Not my fault I was looking at another "he""

„out of every single person my heart could have chosen, it chose you? Am I really settling for this?" he said more to himself than his lover, yet it had an obvious effect on the taller.

Without saying another word, Kei turned around and started to unpack his bag, he took out a big, cozy blanket and spread it on a good spot. Then he went on with unpacking the second bag, revealing lots of snacks, fruits and drinks. He did all of this while desperately trying to hide his flustered face.

He knows Tobio loves him, yet it always makes him feel something so incredible every single time he says it out loud.

Kei was just about to stand back up, when suddenly something heavy wrapped itself around him from the back.

„Tobio?!" he called out just before loosing his balance, making the two of them fall into the grass.

„Why-" before he could continue, the setter started laughing.

Not being able to resist that view, he joined in, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend and pulling him on top of his chest.

„I love you Kei"

Said boy stopped laughing.

„You should see your face right now" Tobio laughed. „I tell you that I love you every single day, yet you almost always react the same way. And I'll never get tired of it" he said in a now soft tone while stoking the blushed cheek.

So many thought were running through Kei's mind but he just wasn't able to build a proper sentence. So instead, he pulled his little king down by his neck, sealing their lips together. They could feel each other's smiles, enjoying every single second of this intimate moment of pure love and affection.

Secret Boy // The face behind the blur «Book 1»Where stories live. Discover now