Chapter-1 Varun and Brother???

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I hope u guys enjoy this new story with love and entering the world of Rivals, Love triangle,Forbidden love, Second Chance and lot's of plot twists and romance...

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2400+ Words Enjoy the first Chapter!

Into the story~

The first day of school is always the routine but that is not going to happen now cause I am in college.... okay new people,new lecturers and new enemies....

Today will be the first day to know the assholes and the cotton candy's let's see who will be my villan this time I don't care if the person is too sportive or other things but the my goal and my rival will be the one who can beat me on standards huh, My league is way too high if u wanna get on my league better luck in other college cause till now no one had gotten through once a topper always a topper....

So here I am infront on my university which has great name in the whole world also my dream which I worked hard for and made my family proud...

Oxford University

And this is me... YASHIKA PATEL


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So yeahh wow....The University is soo pretty...WoW can't believe I am gonna spend 2years of my life here...wahh no doubt God blessed me...ooh new people...Ok I know I am beautiful but soo many stares more than my college life and this is also like college life only but this era will be different cause I am in LONDON...

Okay walking down the hallway yeahh keep going smile haha.... anxiety hitting mee...this kidd suddenly put her hand on me and said

"Heyy bbg"

Nishika aka Nishi or Nish or Nishu will go too...

Yashika:-What took u so long?

Nishika-Umm u know nature call!

(Yess she would come to with me though but she went to her aunt as soon she arrived and took me one day for dinner and she stayed where I moved into my hostel)

Nishi:-So here we go to our right! (Entering the class everyone looked at us with amusement and shocked like are we real or do we exist And we were going for the A row lol the row just after entering the class so this I how we used to name the rows in India and I immediately tapped Nishi's shoulder and pointed at A/C as she was in the front waiting to sit that old lady and we went to the middle row last 3rd bench lol and to say the class was huge asf and all oval sought off I loved it! And there were 4 Air conditioners one near the board and the other at the sides but we want the cooling to the every inch of our body cause we are hot asf...And next thing a boy comes to me and sits in the opposite bench to mine at left and he tells

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