Decision Making

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This is where all decision making shall be about how this group shall be run, how the account should be managed, and any changes that should be made. No decisions that effects only single pack shall be made here, but rather decision about the council as a whole. We shall never force a pack into a decision they do not want to be made. Should a pack wish to hold a vote about matters effecting only their pack, they should take it to their own pack book or guide.

We ask that comments about certain decisions be kept on the chapter that the decision is about. This prevents confusion, as well as keeps everything need and tidy. We encourage discussion and constructive criticism upon ideas. Each chapter will have a small explanation of what is to be decided as well as possible options listed out. Sometimes, pros and cons will be listed with each option but this will likely not happen for every option. On top of this, any options that are suggested at the bottom in the comments will be added to this list in the chapter- so please re-read the chapters often. As further prompting, a post shall be made about it being added to the chapter above.

On this specific chapter, suggestions on decisions that have not been discussed can be posted. Please view the chapter list to see what discussions have already happened. Should the discussion have already been decided upon, you can also request for the decision to be reconsidered below.

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