Ch.4 - The Weight of the World

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Exams were only a month and a half away, and Evangeline found herself deeply immersed in her studies. The looming finals were a beacon of hope for a new beginning, a way to escape the painful memories that still haunted her. She spent her days in class, head down, taking meticulous notes, and her nights were a blur of textbooks and highlighters. She would often fall asleep at her desk, the pages of her books becoming a pillow for her weary head.

Despite her isolation in class, she found a strange solace in the predictability of her routine. After her part-time job at the library, she would hurry home to continue studying, her evenings a quiet contrast to the bustling days. She longed for peace and stability, a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil she had experienced.

From about a week back, Emily had started showing up in their class, her presence both a comfort and a source of unease for Evangeline. Emily, with her bright smile and infectious energy, began to grow closer to Evangeline. Though Evangeline harbored a lingering suspicion about Emily's motives, she didn't have the heart to turn her away.

Emily's sudden appearances and friendliness felt like a warm ray of sunshine breaking through Evangeline's cloudy days. They began to spend more time together, sharing small conversations and stolen moments of laughter. Emily's companionship was a welcome distraction from the pressures of school and the shadows of her past.

Sophie, Evangeline's steadfast friend, also played a significant role in keeping her spirits up. Sophie often dragged her out to hang out on weekends, pulling her out of her solitary bubble. However, this week, Sophie had some personal matters to attend to, so she couldn't make it. Evangeline's other friends, however, were insistent that she join them for a casual gathering.

Feeling awkward and out of place, Evangeline reluctantly joined her friends. As everyone chatted and laughed, she found herself struggling to relax. Yet, her friends made genuine efforts to include her, gradually easing the tension she felt. By the time the gathering ended, Evangeline felt a bit lighter, grateful for the distraction.

It was late when they wrapped up, and one of her co-workers, Jonathan Bennett, offered to accompany her home. Despite her initial refusal, Jonathan was persistent. He was only a year older than Evangeline, and they had bonded over shared interests during their shifts at the library.

"Are you sure it's no trouble?" Evangeline asked as they walked.

"Absolutely not," Jonathan replied with a reassuring smile.

"Besides, it gives us a chance to talk."

As they walked, they discovered even more common ground, sharing stories and laughs. Evangeline felt an unexpected comfort in Jonathan's company. They exchanged contact information, promising to keep in touch.

The next morning, Evangeline received a text from Jonathan, asking about her plans for the weekend. She told him shed be going to the park in the evening, and he expressed a desire to join her.

That evening, they met at the park and spent hours talking, delving into deeper topics than they had before. Jonathan's openness was refreshing, and Evangeline found herself sharing more than she usually would.

As the day drew to a close, Jonathan's tone became serious.

Eva, there's something I need to tell you.

His sudden change in demeanor startled Evangeline. Before she could respond, she noticed a familiar figure in the distance. It was Nathan, watching them intently. Her heart raced.

"Did Nathan hear Jonathans words? Should I explain that there was nothing romantic involved between ?But he will only see me as nosy and an attention seeker again. It's better this way." She brushed those thoughts aside, focusing on Jonathan.

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