
13 2 2

Author's Pov

A crowd quickly gathered, pulling Aarav away from the now bruised and battered figures on the ground. Their faces contorted with pain, the two assailants struggled to rise, while the third lay still, unable to move

Amidst the chaos, the principal arrived, his face a mask of concern and authority. Pushing through the crowd, he swiftly assessed the situation before issuing a stern command. "All four of you, to my office, now!"

Reluctantly, Aarav allowed himself to be led away, his fists still clenched in frustration, as whispers and murmurs filled the air, speculating about the events that had just unfolded.
Jeia and saniya witnessed everything with a stunned expression

In principle office

"Is this how we behave?" The principal's voice thundered across the room, his disappointment palpable. "You are all about to become doctors in a year, and this is how you choose to behave? So uncivilized!"

Turning his attention to Aarav, he spoke with a mixture of disbelief and reproach, "Aarav, I didn't expect this from you."
Aarav hung his head

"I want all four of you to bring your parents or guardians tomorrow," the principal continued, his tone firm. "Or else you will all be suspended."

"But sir, it was Aarav who started the fight" one of them protested defensively.

"It's because you couldn't shut your filthy mouth!" Aarav growled, his patience wearing thin.

"Enough is enough!" The principal's voice rose again, cutting through the tension in the room. "Tomorrow, bring your parents/ guardians, or face suspension."

As they emerged from the principal's office, Aarav's gaze fell upon Jeia, who stood nearby, caught in the act of eavesdropping. Startled, Jeia met Aarav's eyes, half expecting a teasing remark or a taunt.

However, to her surprise, Aarav simply stared down at her for a moment before wordlessly turning away and walking off.

"Darn, I thought for sure he'd taunt me for eavesdropping," Jeia muttered to herself


Jeia rose with the sun, eager to get to college early and snag some books from the library. Leaving a note for Saniya, she hurried out the door of her pg, her mind already engrossed in the notes she planned to revise.

Lost in thought, she barely noticed the changing traffic lights, and before she knew it, she was stepping into the path of an oncoming black car. With a screech of brakes, the vehicle halted just inches from her, sending her notes scattering across the pavement as she screamed in terror.

The driver, an elderly man, rolled down his window and unleashed a torrent of anger, "Road dekhkar nahi cross karna aata?marna hai kya." (Don't you know how to cross the road by looking? Do you want to die?) chastising her for her carelessness.

Startled and shaken, Jeia looked up at him with wide eyes, her apology tumbling out in a rush."Uncle, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention," she replied, her voice trembling with sincerity.

His expression softened at the sight of her genuine remorse. "It's okay, beta," he said "But next time, please remember to look at the road before crossing." With those words he drove off

Someone's POV

As we were on the way, the car suddenly halted, causing me to jerk forward. I was about to scold the driver, but he rolled down his window and began shouting at someone.

Turning to see who he was yelling at, I noticed a terrified girl. Her beautiful deep brown eyes were wide with fear. She had long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and was wearing a large blue hoodie and baggy jeans. White transparent glasses perched on her nose, though they seemed to serve little purpose given her evident confusion.

I watched as she endured the driver's scolding, I heard her voice as she apologized.

"Are those glasses not doing their job?" I wondered, questioning the point of wearing them if she couldn't see well enough to avoid the situation.

I rolled my eyes at her carelessness. The driver restarted the engine, and as the car began to move, I watched her hastily gather her scattered notes before disappearing from view. The scene lingered in my mind as we drove off, the image of her frightened expression etched into my memory.

To be continued~~

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