Day 1: Going home

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WARNING: Self harm mentioned in this story nothing actually happens but it is some what brought up in topic (i hope u little rats enjoy this <3)


"NO!KING!" i scream whilst seeing him being dragged away from me by the collector. I collapse next to everyone and run to the door hoping i can make it in time to get back to my family.. My found family. As i got up and ran the door slammed shut in my face i opened it and re opened it a few times hoping it can take me back to him and Eda and.. Everything that i had worked to get, but nothing was going to make that door open. I turned around and saw everyone staring at me waiting for my next decision but i didn't know what to say i had just lost their only chance at getting home. I felt so bad, Gus started crying and i wanted to as well but i knew i had to be strong. "Hey-y Gus it's alright im sure Luz has a plan!.. Right Luz?" Hunter said as he helped Gus up. "Luz its gonna be ok? Its fine let's just umm get to your house you live round here.. Right!" Willow spoke trying to cheer everyone up and Amity grabbed my hand and said "Don't worry im here for you." she kissed me on the cheek.

Eventually after a few minutes in the rain we reached my house. I was hesitant to knock on the door scared to what my mother might think but i took a deep breath and knocked. I heard my mama walk to the door and open it she just gasped, I didn't know what to say so i said "Hey mum, Im back" I fell into her arms crying about how happy i was to be back but how much i missed Everyone in the demon realm. After a few seconds we all came inside and Vee saw me and gave me a big hug. It felt so welcoming to be back even though everything was different. "Um guys this is my mama and Vee, Mama this is Amity, Willow, Gus and Hunter." I said trying to introduce everyone, it fell silent for a few seconds until my mum reached out and hugged every single one of my friends individually saying "Thank you for taking care of my baby and sticking with her, I owe you everything!" Vee then said "Uhh Camila the soups almost ready shall i dish everyone up?" My mum said "No no don't be so silly you get everyone sat down with Luz while i serve everything up." My mama said that still staring at me and looking me up and down, not in a judgemental way but just trying to take in the fact i was back and there in front of her.


"Ahem..Thank for housing Luz's mother it is very much appreciated. Come friends we shall now dine in the Noceda's household as it is the kind thing to do!" I said whilst leading everyone into what i thought was the dining room/kitchen. Vee quickly re-directed us towards the dining room/kitchen giggling to herself then stopping and asking me "Were you working for Belos?" "UH- I UM I JUS-" I went bright red (brighter than the tomato of the group/amity) stuttering and slurring my words as if i had drank 6 pints of apple blood?! "Woah woah it's ok! sorry i shouldn't have asked that so soon im so sorry your voice and the way you talked sounded familiar thats all.." Vee said stopping me from almost having a panic attack.
"Oh..thats fair. Ahem yes i did work in the castle.. as..the..golden guard..BUT i quit my position and am against everything Belos stands for! I mean as i can see you're a basilisk..We- I mean the emperors coven kept them sealed away for years only few could escape i see your one of the lucky you have found your way to Luz's mother's house!"
I said trying to explain everything fairly without startling or getting too much into details and loosing myself in thought."Yea-yeah i guess you could call me 'lucky' if you think of it that way.. I mean of course im grateful for everything that i have and the life im able to live but.. Lucky isn't the right word for it.." Vee said and then walked away swiftly showing everyone where to sit and trying not to engage in conversation with me too much for the rest of the night.. I must have upset her..


Hunter seems nice i guess although stating me as 'lucky' i wasnt a fan of i hope i wasnt to rough or mean on him for it hes been through alot i can tell especially with his scars from missions and belos and.. who knows what else. I guess if we ever get speaking we can be trauma siblings hahaha.. I feel so bad for what i said but tomorrow is a new day and i still have the rest of this night to apologise as well. He looks uncomfortable about what just happened but like i said i can make it up to him i just have to- "Hey! Your Vee right Luz told me all about you! All good things, All good things!"
I was interrupted by a stunning girl she had her hair braided and golden framed glasses that complimented her outfit so well! (NOT A SHIP BTW) "S-sorry i didn't introduce myself im Willow! It's fine if you don't wanna talk about me or if i startled you im sorry I'll just go!" She had tears in her eyes and sat down quietly and quickly next to a Hunter who mouths without saying anything "are you ok?" which she quickly replies with a thumbs up and a nod. I could tell it was a lie although Hunter not so much he just sat down next to her and a young boy sat next to Hunter and a purple haired girl almost sat down next to Willow but She quickly jumped a seat over whispering to Willow saying she will leave a seat for Luz. After everyone sat down Luz and Camila came in behind us and the purple haired girl called Luz over and she smiled and sat next to her. I sat down in between the young boy and the purple haired girl leaving a space for Camila. "Hi! Im Amity if you didn't know my name. Its really nice to finally meet you." I smiled and nodded acknowledging her presence. "Oh and im Augustus, but its Gus for short!" The little small boy says. "Well uhh you all know me but im Vee! hah." I say nervously waiting for a response. They all start giggling and smiling, it made me feel so warm inside like the first time i met Camila!

*After eating and talking (im not writing all the dialogue in the show just watch the episode to see what they say! ) Camila shows everyone where they will be sleeping*


"WOW LOOK AT ALL THIS COOL HUMAN STUFF!" I say forgetting about the traumatic experience i just had in the demon realm. "I think it's just 'stuff ' here" Hunter says confused but also smiley somewhat. Luz's mum comes in and gives us some more blankets!! "Thank you Luz's mum!" i say with excitement but eventually zoned out until she says "Please never do that again! And you can call me Camilla. Buenos noches!" As she walks out i finished popping some tiny plastic bubbles i found in their 'basement'?! I thought basements were for keeping little kids in them, at least thats what someone told me back home!...Home, how i miss it.."Hey, Gus you ready to try and sleep? i know i am!" Hunter says interrupting my thoughts. "NO?! I cant sleep with all this around! I need to go through it!!" I explain whilst Hunter side eyes me. "But this is all Camila's stuff not yours you cant go rummage around it?!" Hunter says as he wraps flap jack up in a fluffy blanket carefully placing him by his side making sure he's comfortable. "Just 1 hour! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" I squeak as im on my knees begging him "FINE JU- just don't be too loud ok? and never do that please thing again alright?! See ya in the morning bud." Hunter interrupts my pleading and i jump out of joy and open a box full of cd's but not the kind with music they look more like movies?!...


"SORRY! But look what i found!!! And stop swearing you're only 16!" I say holding out a CD of "My little pony the movie" "My little pony.. Whats that?" Hunter asks "I don't know but why don't we watch it!!!" "Whatever, come on let's put it on." I give him the disk and him and flap jack sit on the sofa after he puts it in. Emmiline then sits on my lap as we watch the movie and afterwards fall asleep.


I go up the stairs with Vee, Amity and Willow as mama says "Luz ill be up in a second to bring you guys somethings to sleep in and on i just need to take the boys to the basement ok baby?" "Yep mama see you in a sec!" As we walk up the stairs to the next floor i pull Vee to the side " Vee can you take Amity and Willow to our room please i just need a minute to myself out here if thats ok?.." "Of course no worries Luz im here for you if you need me after all we are practically sisters now!" I smile and we both part walking separate ways. I hear Amity, Willow and Vee go into my room and start laughing and talking. I hold back my tears as i walk through my corridor and look at all the old family photos and memories. As im walking i step on a shard of old glass, It must be from a broken picture frame. I pick it up and hold it in my hands feeling how sharp the blade is, before i could do anything i hear my mama walking up the stairs and i put the glass in the bin and walk over towards a table with a photo of my dad and wiped my tears. Me and mama chat for a bit until i walk into my room and give everyone some pyjamas to wear for the night as well as kissing mama goodnight. After she leaves the room i go over Amity and Vee takes Willow to show her the bathroom. "Amity im so so sorry for everything i know i cant make it up to you but i just im so sor-" she cuts me off by hugging me so tight and crying into my shirt. "Luz oh Luz im not mad at you and i dont hate you and its not your fault you haven't done anything but try to be helpful and you need to let yourself relax nobody is mad at you ok? You have to trust me please im here for you if you ever want to talk." I pull her away and start kissing her only for a moment or 2 until Vee knocks on the door and comes back in. "Aww you guysss!!" Willow says as she walks in and hugs us she gestures Vee to join in and eventually we are all hugging. It felt so nice to at least feel like i had friends who are there for me! "Luz do u and amity want to share a bed tonight i can tell you 2 need to be together!" Willow says giving up her bed. "I would love to! Amity?" i say gesturing Willow my bed. "YES OF COURSE LUZ!!" she gets up and moves the beds close together to create a double bed. "Haha you 2 better not keep us up all night!" Vee says jokingly. We all start laughing until i hear my mama shout "Girls please try to keep it down im trying to get my rest!" We all start laughing harder and eventually we are all in bed. I was about to fall asleep when i feel arms wrap around me and cuddle me i turned around and kissed amity on the neck and whispered goodnight until we fall asleep cuddling forgetting all about what happened previously.

ARGHHJIAHSKSBSJBSJSB.why am i actually proud of myself lol 😭. if u dont like this story then dont read but if u do for my little rats i will continue! Btw luz will never actually cut herself for anyone wondering! <3

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