07 - First call

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Having a really tight schedule, Sunday had to reorganize everything to have a session with Y/N. Today is their beginning. At first, he wasn't nervous, but at the moment he's currently starting to think all of this was a bad idea. Nevertheless, he had no choice but to follow his original plan.

Making sure everything was in place, he called out: "You may come in."
The girl wore another dress Robin gifted her, as her whole wardrobe was from her dear friend, and her long silky hair waved as she walked. She knew how to make a simple ponytail, but nothing more so she either had her hair up or down. However, she was still the most beautiful woman in Sunday's eyes, even though he didn't want to admit it.

"Hello Sunday," she greeted him with a smile as she sat on a chair.
"Nice to see you, Y/N," he greeted her back, already sitting. Observing the girl as she adjusted her posture, he realized how self-conscious she had become. If her improvement in her human side will be as fast as now, his plan could fail. He needed to take action as soon as possible.
The previous plan of first session was supposed to be talking to strangers to make friends with them, but he changed it. Infact, he didn't want her to have much friends. She would become distracted and forget about him. That was his fear, another thing he wouldn't admit.

"Today we'll start with teaching you how to read and write," he explained, pointing at a stack of books beside him. It were children's books, the ones that you get in first grade of primary school to develop your elementary abilities. Y/N was curious about learning new information by just looking at a paper, so she was quite happy about it.
"Okay," she said, looking at Sunday expectantly.

The first hour of Sunday teaching curious Y/N was quite tiring for him. She was so curious that she even asked: "Why is K written like that? Why doesn't it look like O?" Which made the halovian man only sigh. "It's just like that and always has been," he only answered, hoping that the girl wouldn't ask another stupid question. "But we could write K like O if we all agreed to it, right?" Sunday, hearing the girl's sentence face palmed. Y/N was dead serious but so was her teacher. "No one is going to agree on that," he said a bit annoyed. The girl realized that he wasn't quite happy about her yapping so she stopped.

The next two hours went by very slowly thanks to the fact that Y/N forced herself to not ask any questions and tried to focus on her study. Sunday was glad that she was quiet, occasionally taking glances at her when she wasn't looking, observing her beauty.
She learned how to write her name, it looked kind of wobbly, but she did it and she was a fast learner, so the man was satisfied. At the same time, he wondered how much time he had left.

Looking at his luxurious watch, he said:
"That's enough studying for today, you did well," and stood up from the chair he previously sat on. "Now we have to drain some of your power."
Y/N suddenly felt uneasy. Was it actually necessary draining something out from her? Isn't it a part of herself? More or less, there was no way back. The girl thought she was just overthinking things. "Okay," she responded, still unsure if this is the right thing.

"Do not fret, this will make the procedure faster. You'll be fully human in no time," he explained and then looked at her dress, "I need you to show me the bare skin of your back." Y/N was taken aback by his request so she asked: "Why?" Making an eye contact with her glimmering eyes to his golden ones, she wasn't frightened by his request anymore, but only curiosity remained in her face expression. She licked her lips and smiled, suddenly remembering a certain situation. It wouldn't be bad to recreate it with another person, right? Luckily Sunday wasn't in the mood. Y/N did not understand the concept of loyalty nor love. She only knew lust, which was not exactly a holy emotion. Just like in the movies she watched. Somehow she felt the dissagreement lurking from the man, instantly stopping in her weird action.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now