With a shadowy face

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k. ji - june 1st, 2024

yesterday was my graduation. i dont know how to feel about everything. it all went by so fast, me and jooyeon already moved in together. its like life is placing all the pieces together how it wants, and that its partners with me. jooyeons new hair is making me drool every two seconds hes around me.. i love the fucking blonde- UGH the blonde!!

3rd person pov

Jiseok closed his diary when he heard Jooyeon coming up the stairs. "Gaon?" Jooyeon said while knocking on his door. They made new nicknames for each other. "Come in, my love!!" Jiseok shouted from his door. Jooyeon entered the room, smiling and giggling at Jiseok who was laying down, kicking his feet in the air. "What?" Jiseok said, chucklng. "Just my cutie Jiseok~" Jooyen said sweetly, picking up Jiseok. Jiseok wrapped his legs around Jooyeons torso, his arms resting on his shoulders. "Aigoo.. Jooyeon-ah~!" Jiseok said playfully.

Jooyeon took Jiseok downstairs and placed him on the counter, then resting in between his thighs and kissing him softly on the lips. Jiseok whined a little, which drove Jooyeon insane, the kiss heating up slowly. Jooyeon pulled Jiseok in more, his kissing style getting more needy. Jooyeons hands slipped under Jiseoks shirt, caressing his waist. Jiseok softly parted the kiss, panting slightly. Jooyeon smiled at Jiseoks pink and flustered face, scratching under Jiseoks chin. Jiseok buried his face into Jooyeons neck softly.

Jooyeon parted ways with Jiseok to go get ingredients for breakfast. Jiseok just watched him, like a princess staring at the stars. Jiseok watched every move Jooyeon made, the way his hair bounce in the light, the way his eyes glistened, the way his biceps looked in his shirt, it was like the first time he had ever layed eyes on Jooyeon.

timeskip - after jooyeon finished

Jooyeon picked up Jiseok and put him in a chair, then placing a small bowl of Udon in front of jiseok, with and egg and some sriracha in the shape of a heart. Jooyeon kissed Jiseoks forehead and began eating his own food. When Jiseok took a bite, his eyes went wide. "Jooyeon-ah.. This is amazing!! How'd you learn to cook like this?!" Jiseok said playfully. Jooyeon chuckled a bit. "My dad." Jooyeon said. Jiseok nodded, continuing chowing down on his food. "Eat slowly, love. Don't choke." Jooyeon said, rubbing Jiseoks back.

Jiseok ate slower, taking a sip of milk every now and then. Jooyeon finished his food and watched Jiseok, waiting for him to finish. He moved some of Jiseoks hair behind his ear, staring at him with loving eyes. Jiseok looked up and blushed, pecking Jooyeon on the cheek. Jooyeon chuckled and squeezed his cheek. "You're the best thing I could ask for."

"I love you, Jooyeon."

"I love you more."

timeksip - with jungsu (gunil comes later)

Jungsu was at the library, browsing through mangas and drawing guidebooks. He came alone, just to get some fresh air after graduation. Sad thing is, Jungsu and Gunil are back to that day 1 behavior. He was thinking that it just wasn't gonna work out. He loved Gunil, but did Gunil love him?

While Jungsu thought, he felt his eyes get watery. He knew what to do at that moment.


Jungsu arrived at the front door of Gunils house. He rang the doorbell, to be greeted by Gunils older brother. Jisung immediately noticed the tears "Oh my.. Are you okay? Did you wanna talk to Gunil?" Jisung said sincerely. Jungsu nodded. Jisung opened the door wider so Jungsu could come in. Jungsu took off his shoes before he entered, then placing them on the shoe rack. "He's upstairs." Jisung said. Jungsu nodded, bowed, and rushed upstairs.

He knocked on Gunils bedroom door. Gunil opened it and went wide eyed "Jungsu... Whats wrong, my love?" Gunil said, a sad expression on his face. He put his hand on Jungsu's cheek, wiping his tears. "I-I... Do you love me..?" Jungsu asked, his voice shakey "Jungsu.. Of course. There's no one I love like I love you. You're my forever. What makes you think I.. don't?"

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