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There was a woman cooking in her kitchen. there a workers also here to help her in cooking. after cooking
She left the kitchen she looked at wall clock she sighed and went upstairs to wake her precious son's up. she stopped infront of one room. she knocked before get in the room she saw her baby was sleeping peacefully. she went him and slowly shake him to wake up from his sleep. He wakes up from his sleep he looked at her mother he smiled and said

NamJoon : good morning mom

Mrs kim : good morning you too baby did you sleep well?

She asked and carring his hair while smiling at namjoon he nodded his head smiling at her

Mrs kim : okay now go and ready for its getting late go

She kissed his forehead and he got up from his bed and went inside the bathroom before he went to bathroom she left to another room

She knocked the door and went inside and saw his second baby was sleeping like a no tomorrow she sigh knowing that her son will literally take her life to wake up she went to him shaking him hard but got a no response from him she sighed and looked at the nightstand and saw a glass of water she took the glass of in her hand she looks at her son sleeping peacefully she shook her head and poured all the glass of water in his face

Yoongi : ahhhhhhh

He yelled at looked at his mother with angry pout in his.

Yoongi : mom why did you do this my peacefully morning spoils

She chuckled at her son's cuteness and said

Mrs kim : good morning yoongi did you sleep well

Yoongi : you spoiled my sleep and asking did I slept well btw good morning you too mom

He said she laughed and kiss his cheeks and went out before saying ' get ready fast '

She wake up other two like this and went to downstairs and arrange the dinning table with food and waiting for her husband and son's to came downstairs she see that her husband and sons are coming to dinning table and all of them sat down on there chair and started to eat the food
While they were eating the food Mr Kim looked at his son's and said

Mr Kim : so are you in any relationship

They all looked at each other and shake there head as no Mr Kim sigh and said

Mr Kim : yahh you all getting older but still don't got into any relationship are you all going stay single forever

They all nodded he sighed at his so called son's
And he got up from his chair and

Mr Kim : namjoon I'm going to company today

Namjoon nodded while stuffing food inside his mouth he again sighed and took his wallet and car key then drove to office

Mrs kim : yahh your disappointing us

They didn't said anything and eat there food fastly and went to there work

An another said

A boy was making food in hurry he looked at time and saw his brother's and dad were coming to the dinning table they sat down waiting for the food to get ready

Finally he finished cooking and severe them there food and they are ate there food in hurry and went to there usual work

There was two boy's still there and at each other and smiled

Jimin : jin hyung let's go to the work

The other hmmed and they both went to there work together after locking the door

At University

One boy walking in the corridor searching for his locker he opened the takes the for the first class then someone tapped his slowly turn and saw his bully jack and his team with a fearful eyes

Jack : ohh eunwoo baby are you scared of your daddy

Eunwoo : y-you are not my-my da-daddy are a-any t-thing mov-move back i-i ha-have a class

He said pushed him away and run from there to his class

At cafe

Jin and jimin were working then jimin said

Jimin : hyung i have to go to the hospital see mom are you take care of the cafe

Jin : hmm ok if want anything or medicine for mom you can call me I can send you some money

Jimin : it's ok hyung i have a money so don't worry

As he hug his hyung and went to hospital

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