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AT University

Eunwoo ( POV )

I went to my class and sat on
my seat
The class was about to start my first class was science and i hate science and also science professor.
Such a coldy
But he's handsome and cute also his eye- wait why did I think about him i don't even like him i hate him because he always cold and rude also strict
That's why I hate hi- my thoughts were cut off by students greetings sound I looked up and got up from my seat and greeted him with them
Then the class started by him

End of eunwoo POV

With jin


I'm at my cafe in my cafe no workers here me my brother is one take care of this cafe
Now I'm alone here because my brother gone to the hospital see our mother
Because she has a lung cancer 3rd stage
Me , my dad and my brother's are working hard for make money for her operation
There is no one here so I have go home and make lunch for my brother's
I was about to close the cafe then I see that someone's car parked infront of my cafe
There is a old man come out from the car and got into my cafe and sat in one of seat
I went to him and he said

The old man ; can I have one coffee

Jin ; ok sir but it takes a while because there's no one here

The old man nodded i left from there to make coffee for the old man after making a coffee
I went to the old man he is  suffering i ran to him and ask

Jin ; sir what happened do you need any thing

The old man ; ox-oxygen p-pu-puff

Jin ; where is the puff sir

The old man ; in m-my c-car

I ran to the car and try to open the car door thank God the car door was open   then I started search the oxygen puff and then I finally found that I ran back to him he still trying to get some breath i gave him the oxygen puff 

Jin ; are you okay sir

The old man ; yes dear thank you for helping me

Jin ; your welcome sir, wait a minute

I went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water and i again went back to him i give the water bottle to him he drink the water then put the bottle aside on the table

End of jin POV

The old man ; thank you very much dear btw what is your name cutie boy

Jin ; my name is park Seokjin sir

The old man ; hlo Seokjin I'm kim jiwoon

Jin ; kim jiwoon! The ex CEO of the kim industry

Jiwoon ; yes dear any problem ?

Jin ; no sir I just surprise! my dad also working at your company

Jiwoon ; oh what his name ?

Jin ; his name is park hanji

Jiwoon ; oh park hanji i know him he is hard working person and i got to know about that his wife as a lung cancer is it real?

Jin ; yes sir my mother has lung cancer

Jiwoon ; oh my! Is she alright

Jin ; no sir, her lung cancer on 3rd stage doctor said that she have to got operation or if it got to 4th stage it might kill herself we're trying our best to save her Life

Jiwoon ; how many it cost

Jin ; 25 million won , we didn't have that much money so we have to work so me ,my two brothers and my father trying our best to make a money

Jiwoon ; oh you have two brothers

Jin ; no i have three younger brother's last one was studying in kim University

Jiwoon ; oh kim University

Jin ; you know that University sir

Jiwoon ; umm yeah more like it was owned by my third son

Jin ; ohh ok sir, if you don't mind i have to go to home to cook for my brother's

Jiwoon ; yeah ok then let me drop you at your place

Jin ; no sir it's ok I can go by my self

Jiwoon ; no don't i just drop you , you saved my life just take it as return

Jin just nodded because a old man request him to help him to get home he can trust old man because he heard about this old man is really kind and help everyone who was in danger and he is good person
So he let the old man drop him at his home
They both got in the car the old man started the car drove off
The drive was peaceful silent then the old man broke the silent

Jiwoon ;  hmm Seokjin you said that you have three younger brother's what other younger brother's doing

Jin ;  my first younger brother is delivery boy , my second younger brother is helping me in cafe and my last younger brother is studying in University

Jiwoon ; ohh you said that your second younger brother is helping you in cafe but he is not with you

Jin ; he went to hospital to take care of mother

Jiwoon ; ok what's your brother's name?

Jin ; first ones name is park hoseok or jhope and second ones name is park jimin and last ones name is park eunwoo hmm btw sir why did you ask me this

Jiwoon ; just want to know

Then they both become silent soon they reach jin's house
The old man stoped infront of the house
Jin got out from the car

Jin ; thank you very much Mr. Kim

Jiwoon smile and nodded drove off the car
Jin thinks that Mr Kim is really care about them that why he asked that kind of questions

But Mr.kim have another intention in his mind !....

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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