Chapter 4

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Alex looked at me but said nothing cause he had nothing to go on at the moment, and I really wanted to know what was going on with him. Knowing Alex that probably won't happen anytime soon, he always keeps things to himself and never tell me anything.

Me: What's wrong Alex?

Alex: nothings wrong Katy.

Me : then why do you look so gloomy ?

Alex: I'm not gloom.

Me: Are too

Alex: are not!

Me: are too and that's final, now go and wipe the pie off of your face.

He really didn't want to get into a fight with me in the first place, so I just walk over to him and gave him a hug before licking his cheek and running off into my room and locking my door and window, thank god that there's a bathroom connected to my room. I would not like to shared a bathroom with him even if it meant the end of world, half way through the night I heard someone nock on my window so I went to see who it was and found Blair so I let her in and she looked happy to see me. when I fell asleep I knew she was on my bed or desk but if she let Alex into my room I will throw her to the dogs that my neighbor has and they like to eat witch cat, when I woke up I found Blair on the end of my bed asleep so I got up without waking her up and it was kind of hard but I opened my door and grabbed something to eat really quick and returned to my room.

After I ate some food I left a blow for Blair and climbed out my window and to the park with my sketchbook in my hands I love to draw but I don't get to do it enough at school or at home, with that thought I was starting to think of my family back at home with my prefect sister and brother. When I was finished with my drawing it was about midnight and I thought about Alex and knew I should get back to him before it gets to late, As I was walking home I knew that too men were following me and I started to run go thing that they were drunk and that's the worst when it's night time.

Alex opened the door when he saw me out of breath and asleep in the hallway beside the door, I could hear him sighing and talking to someone and I wanted to know who but when I opened my eyes I was on the couch and looking right at Soul. I started to blush but that wasn't the one thing that scared me the most, he was looking at my sketchbook and no one looks at my sketchbook beside Maka.

he put it down and walked over to Alex and they  started to talk while I on the other hand walked into my room with my book and closed the door quietly and locked it, I turned to find Blair on my bed and looking out the window. So I let her out and she smiled at me and I only nodded my head to her as she went away, I climbed on my bed before closing my eyes again but then I heard a nock on my door and I let out a groan because I didn't want to get up so I stayed where I was.


Me: No

he knew I wouldn't open the door with out a reason but he didn't have one that was till I heard something hit my door which made me jump and he knew I get scared easily and I didn't like this, so I went to thee door and unlocked the door and opened it a little only to find him standing there. I quickly shut the door but there wasn't time for me to lock it so I ran to my washroom and locked the door but right as I let a sigh out of my mouth he banged on my door and I let out a squeak. 

Alex: don't make me break down this door Katy..

Me: I'll open it when you give me a good reason Alex!

and with that he went quiet till he had a good reason but knowing him that wasn't possible, as I waited I thought about having a shower and I was glad I had other clothes in here then having to open the door to grab some. when I was done I waited for him to answer but instead I heard a voice that I never wanted to hear in my whole life and trust me when I say this but I hated the voice of my sister, I didn't move instead I grabbed the blade of my razor and cut three small lines on my left arm that was how much I hated my sister that I would cut myself.

Sister: Come on Katy open the door it' time to go home and forget about this place and your friends.


I knew Alex heard me but he said nothing cause this was between me and my sister in which I hate but it's not like anyone in my family cares and before I knew it my dad, my mom and brother were there too and I knew I was in trouble. I didn't want to leave that's why I ran away from home even if my family is rich I didn't want to turn into one of them I was the one child that wasn't normal, but it's not like they care about what I do that's why I don't write to them I have a new live and I'm happy just by being with my friends at school.

I never really noticed that there was a window in the bathroom which I escape through and when they open the door I will be gone, but the thing was I didn't know where to go so I went to Maka and Soul's place to stay the night at.  When I got there they opened the door cause Alex probably told them that I was coming to there place, I got a hug from Maka and a high five from Soul but right now I way to stressed out to noticed that Maka was bandaging up my cuts .

Me: I-I hate them..

They looked at me before hearing a nock on the door and Maka told me to hide somewhere so I hid under her bed, I could hear them talking to my family I guess they heard Alex when he called them but right now I was scared that they will find me.  I heard the door close and someone walk in the room but I was so scared that I didn't come out, I tried to cover my ears but I couldn't my one arm started to hurt and I knew that cut got worse.

Soul: Katy where are you???

Me: over here Soul

He saw me under the bed and let out a sigh before telling me that my family stopped by with Alex right behind them but he stayed and told them to go home and that he would talk to me about leaving Deathcity. When I walked out of the room I found him sitting on the couch so I walked over to him and pouched him on the shoulder playfully and he knew that but acted hut from it and I started to laugh at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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