07 - 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜

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"Mila!" I heard Newt shouting from the other side of my door as I sat up on my bed.
"Mila i'm not late but you are! It's almost lunchtime!"
"I'll be ready in ten minutes!" I yelled out and stood up nervously. I was so late.

I looked at my phone and saw missed calls from Gally.

Perhaps I took more sleeping pills than I should've? Maybe.

I called him back.

"Hey Mila, I was calling."
"Heyy, I'm sorry Gally I slept in, I'll be there as soon as I can okay?"
"Don't rush yourself, I'm at a cafe anyway. Saved you a seat by the way."
"Thanks Gally, you're a good friend." I made sure to point out 'friend' so he wouldn't get the wrong ideas.
"I know I am." He chuckled "Alright go get ready now." He hung up.

I wore black shirt and jeans so if blood leaked no one would notice.

Newt smiled at me when I went downstairs. He did offer breakfast but I refused.

"I didn't quite get the chance to talk to you yesterday, were you drunk?"
"Yeah, i did drank some"
"Why? Fry told me you were in a bad mood. Did something happen?" I swear I'll punch fry.
"Fry is just yapping. I was perfectly fine, just wanted to drink." I snapped.
"Alright. I believe you." He didn't. "But he also said you were drinking nonstop."
"So what? I can't drink now?" I was getting annoyed. I love Newt, but he doesn't need to control me like I'm five.

"I didn't say that. You do you, just don't drink much when I'm not around."
"But you were around."
"I was in the bar, but that doesn't mean I would see if someone did something to you."
"Fry was there, no one would drug me if that's what you mean."
"Okay, just be careful. One wrong step and you won't be the same. You know I don't want that for you Mila." Well..

I didn't have courage to continue the conversation and lie in every single word I would tell him.
If he found out how I messed up my life, he would never look at me the same And I don't think I can handle losing him.

"Newt, could you go to the cafe instead of the theatre? Since it's almost lunchtime Gally will already be there."
"Is this Gally your boyfriend or something?" He turned his car to the left.
"No. We're working together."
"He seems nice." He stopped the car and smiled at me.
"He is nice. As a friend." I smiled as I took my seatbelt off.
"Hey, what's with all black?"
"I was in a mood for something black." Lie, obviously. I hate black.

"Strange, but alright, whatever you like." He smiled again. "Will you be at the bar today?"
"Sorry, can't make it tonight. Have some work to do." Lie.
"No worries, take care yeah?" Why is he always smiling? It makes lying harder than it already is.

I waved at Newt as a goodbye and entered the cafe.

"There you are!" Gally tried hugging me but I avoided it and patted his shoulder.

I'm not comfortable with hugs.
I do feel bad, but I can't hug him.
Gladly, he didn't feel upset, just motioned me to sit with a smile.

"I'm so sorry for making you wait, i don't sleep in normally."
"No worries, good sleep is necessary sometimes. I can't remember the last time I slept in."
"We could take a day off tomorrow." I offered.
"You'd do that for me?" His eyes lighten up.

"Of course! I'm your boss Gally, just your friend." I chuckled. "Besides, we could do something outside of the theater."
"I liked that bar we went to the other day, it was fun."
"Yeah my brother plays music with his band there. It's awesome."
"I noticed how you talk about your brother and I'm genuinely jealous. If i tried to have a normal conversation with my sister, she would simply throw a chair in my head." He laughed.
"How old is she?" I smiled.
"She's turning seventeen tomorrow actually. I'll take her to your brother's bar. She plays the guitar too." He smiled. "Also, I'd rather watch her as she gets drunk, than leave her somewhere with her stupid friends."

"Oh, then we definitely have a reason to take a day off." I smile at him "we should get moving though, lunch time will be over soon."
"You haven't eaten yet, you didn't even eat lunch I got yesterday. Is something wrong?"

Oh hell no. I don't need anyone noticing anything that's going on with me.

"Nothing's wrong, I ate breakfast at home" I smiled and got up from my chair. "although i could use some coffee."

We got coffee and went to the theater. It was all fun and games until my phone went off.

I excused myself in the bathroom and picked up.

"Hello darling, how you doin'?
"What do you want?"
"You." I just knew he was grinning and I had this urge of throwing up.
"Yeah I saw your message." I sighed. "I'm working now."
"Oh but we have a change of plans, I want you here at five."
"It's four! I can't make it till five!"

"Sounds like your problem."
"Listen, it's you who changed plans. I'll be there at seven, or I won't be there at all."
"Funny how tough you act, but as soon as I mention the consequences all of a sudden you're still a weak little girl." He let out a small laugh. "Be here at five, I don't care how you do it." And he hung up.

Tears were forming in my eyes, but I quickly dried them with my sleeves.
I'm not weak. He's just a pathetic man, and I'm trying to protect the people I love. Or loved.

Would they do the same for me?
I'm not sure.

But would I try to keep them safe even if it cost my life?
Yes. Yes I would.

Advices? Opinions? Theories? Let me know what do you think about all this<33

Thanks for the comments!!

Take care!!

𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘆𝗺𝗶𝗮 - TMR AU, Minho.Where stories live. Discover now