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TAYLOR SWIFT ADJUSTED the jet black baseball cap on her head, looking through her shaded glasses anxiously. From besides her, singer and actress Selena Gomez shook her head incredulously and rolled her eyes.

"Tay, I love you and would never put you in a dangerous position. So why are you freaking out?" She asked, grabbing the blonde's hand and giving it a squeeze.

Taylor sighed, fiddling with the ends of her straightened hair as she sent a sideways glance at the similarly dressed woman next to her. "I don't know.. It's just, this is the first time I've been out in public since the world shunned me out, Sel. It's liked I've been locked in a cage for so long and was suddenly thrown into my capturer's arms. What if they see through the hat and glasses and charge at me with pitchforks or something?"

Selena sighed sympathetically, throwing her arm over the other's shoulder. She looked around the crowded venue as they weaved towards the VIP tent and away from the sweaty, overly excited people near the entrance. "Okay, Taylor, first of all, they have metal detectors at the front gates so I can assure you, no one will be charging at you with pitchforks. And secondly, no one is going to notice you. They're way too busy fan girling over Marcus Greene and Spencer Morgan to even glance in your direction."

Taylor's gaze snapped toward the screen behind the set of instruments on the stage, photos of the four members side by side with one another. The former in mention, Marcus Greene, had his short blonde hair damp with sweat as he played side by side with the lead singer, Bri Maddison, also known as the reason the two best friends were at the concert.

Selena met Bri at an award show after party and immediately became close. After a ton of drinking, the Maddison girl had mentioned her band, coffee castle, and offered the other a couple tickets if she ever wanted to attend. Selena, being the ever so knowledgeable on pop culture, immediately agreed, having known of the famous band and was a fan herself.

She offered Taylor the ticket one wine-filled night, wanting nothing more than to get Taylor out of the prison known as her house. After some convincing (and a promise of a karaoke night which the blonde will never forget), Taylor reluctantly agreed to come. Though, now she was regretting it.

"Tay? Where'd you go?" Selena nudged her shoulder, following her gaze to the poster. She smirked, raising a brow. "Lost in thought for the Marcus Greene?"

Taylor immediately scrunched her nose up, shaking her head as she pulled Selena into the VIP tent. "Never, definitely not my type. But while we're on the topic, should we talk about your thing for Spencer Morgan?" She teased, fluttering her eyelashes innocently at the glare the Gomez woman sent.

Before Selena could respond, the lights in the stadium dimmed and the crowd roared with delight. An electric guitar riff could be heard echoing through the audience, drums following, and soon came the low notes of a bass guitar. The darkness blocked anyone the sights to see the band members themselves, only those upfront would be able to see the outlines as they grabbed their instruments and set up.

The music fell silent, the crowd soon following after as they waited patiently; excitedly. Then, suddenly, a voice rang through the center microphone, blessing the ears of the fans. Their excitement was heard, growing louder as the lights brightened and the faces of the well dressed band were seen through the enhancing cameras and the wide eyes of the crowd.

Marcus Greene wore a white button up, his hair parted slightly upwards as he smoothly plucked the strings on his bass. He smirked at the crowd, sending a few women winks which surely would end up on the internet later. He made eye contact with the drummer, Spencer Morgan.

Spencer had on a black tank top and a dopey grin, slamming down on the drums with genuine glee. His fun nature and attitude was usually the reason for the fans to swoon. He took a few moments to stare at the thousands of people, soaking it all in. Taylor smiled softly, knowing just how he felt.

Her gaze soon moved to the singer, Bri Maddison, who's voice was soft in the moment, singing the lyrics of a song Selena mentioned was written single-handedly by her. Her blonde hair was thrown over her shoulder, a small smile on her face. Bri turned and smiled at the guitaris- holy shit.

Taylor felt her jaw drop slightly, staring at the guitarist. She was stunning, her dark hair blocking some of her face as she had her gaze on the instrument, focusing on the notes. The woman moved around the stage with ease, unknowing to Taylor's gaze. She leaned against Marcus Greene, back against back. They played a small piece together before heading to their respective sides. The blonde's eyes never left the woman, enamored.

"That's Aspen Thomas." Selena said, nudging Taylor as she bit back a smirk. She wiggled her eyebrows as the blonde turned to look at her, laughing at her confused expression. "Oh please, I saw you staring at her." She yelled slightly to be heard over the loud cheers and screams of the crowd.

Taylor rolled her eyes, swatting her shoulder before turning back to face the band. She ignored the heat on her cheeks from embarrassment as she swayed to the songs with only one thought on her mind.

That guitarist is beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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