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The irony of Damien's presence mocked Pip daily. The demon saved him from a cruel Hell at school. In turn, that same demon brought a Hell like no other to his life.

Sliced, stabbed, and bitten more times than he could count; Pip learned not to fight it. Like with every bully he'd ever encountered, Pip submitted. Only this time, the meek blonde ceased to recognize himself.

Engulfed in flames no one else could see, Pip burned away in plain sight. Yet, somehow, such hell fire felt like home.

A light rapping came from Pip's bedroom door on a late Sunday morning.

"Poppet, the Easter hunt's at Noon. Are you dressed?"

His mother poked her head in, finding a heap under the covers. Clammy and unwell, the blonde laid in bed.

"...oh dear." Ms. Pirup held a hand to her bosom with alarm. "Philip, have you come down with something?"

Pip nodded, struggling to do so. His mother clucked her tongue, coming to her son's bedside. Touching his forehead, the damp skin felt hot to the touch.

"Mum, go on without me. I'll be alright."

"I couldn't leave you home like this."

"You promised Father Maxy you'd attend. I'll rest while you're gone."

Torn, Ms. Pirup was reluctant to leave him home alone all afternoon. Sickly, and on Easter. But, at her son's insistence, she agreed to go. Under the condition he call her if something were to happen.

She brought a bottle of fever reducer to Pip's bedside, and a glass of water.

"My sweet boy. You'll be back to yourself in no time." Ms. Pirup kissed his head.

Taking her leave, she shut the door. Soon after, she called out that she was leaving for the Church. Her little car pulled out of the driveway. In agony, and horribly ill, Pip coughed.

"Help. Please..." He pleaded. "She's gone."

Damien emerged. He snapped his fingers and Pip's illness vanished.

"That was awful...I don't see how it was necessary." Pip complained.

"If you think I'd allow you to celebrate today, you've taken me for a bloody fool."

Pip, of course, would never. With his prey all to himself, Damien rolled the blonde on to his back. He bore his fangs without another word.

Limp under Damien, Pip let the demon feed. Glassy blue eyes stared towards the wall, blank and empty. Like a corpse. The demon sucked his neck, draining the submissive blonde until he turned sickly. So slowly, Pip's heartbeat weakened...dwindling away until the organ nearly surrendered.

Damien sucked the puncture wounds, sealing them closed. He stroked the back of one hand along Pip's alabaster cheek.

"Return to me."

Under his touch, the life in Pip's eyes returned. He blinked. The blonde weakly looked up at Damien, struggling to focus his gaze. Shrouded in a blur, Damien's red eyes were all he could see.

"One of these days..." Pip had mustered up what strength he could to say it. "...you're going to kill me."

Damien took interest in the blonde's comment.

"You sound so sure."

"Surely my body can't take much more of this."

Woozy and frail, Pip had yet to fully recover. He shut his eyes, oppressed with fatigue. Heavy lashes resting down upon supple cheekbones. Laid so still along white sheets, the slender young man looked angelic.

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