Even if we don't make it: Part 1 (Venky-Nitish)

234 28 67

26th May, 2024

It was possibly draping the KKR flag around himself that brought sudden tears to Nitish's eyes and made an unbearable weight settle on his chest.

The crash did have to come eventually after such scary joy, he knew, but this soon? They hadn't even  lifted the trophy yet.

There was an auction looming so big. Everywhere he looked, he saw his friends, his teammates--some of them his family for years--and he saw them scattered in blue, red, orange, yellow...anything but purple.

He glanced down at himself, the purple jersey and his fingers wound desperately around the purple flag and he could not bear the thought of wearing any other colour.

Suddenly, the jokes about Shreyas' pining after DC did not seem funny anymore.

"Come into the frame, quick," Saachi shouted.

She and Rinku were posing for the fiftieth picture of the evening.



Nitish couldn't bring up the topic now, with the two of them having the time of their lives.

"I need to go and have a word with Shreyas," he said, and sprinted.

He found Shreyas putting on a dance show with Harshit (successfully) and Suyash (unsuccessfully) trying to match his steps.

He looked so happy.

Nitish didn't remember the last time he'd seen Shreyas so happy. Even after they Qualifier 1, he'd reacted soberly.

"We haven't won yet," he had said.

But today, he seemed undilutedly happy, like a child. For once, he did not seem to be thinking of DC either.

Nitish couldn't remind him of DC and spoil his day.

He shouldn't spoil anyone's day.

But the weight around his chest was tightening and he felt he'd choke if he didn't let it out.

That left him with one person.



Venky, who'd been having a laugh with Starcy, turned, still grinning. His grin faded almost instantly as he gestured what?

"Come with me for a bit--"

Nitish pulled Venky away, away to the sidelines, but there were cameras everywhere today, so they ended up inside the dark, silent dressing room.

"Are you ok?" Venky had asked constantly till they reached. Nitish didn't know how anyone could talk that fast.

"Yes, I'm...it's just that I realized this might be our last day with KKR, Venky." Nitish's voice choked.

"No, it obviously is not our last night with KKR. We're Knights forever, Nitish," said Venky.

"Practically...there's an auction this year, Venky. We can't all be here--how can you not realize that?"

Nitish was shaking badly now. Venky tried to put his arms around him, but Nitish pushed him away.

He did not want comfort.

He wanted to talk. He wanted to be convinced that they would all make it through the auction even when he knew there was nothing to convince him of that untruth.

Venky, unsurprisingly, tried to do exactly what Nitish needed.

"We are all going to be here next year, too. We have to believe that."

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