Chapter 6

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Your POV:

I woke up with weight on my body. I open my eyes and I see Lauren sleeping on my chest. Yesterday after I helped myself we stayed home and watched Netflix. I missed her so much. I wouldn't change her for anything in the world. Today I'm gonna make it all about her. Since Camila left Fifth Harmony and Lauren is in her maturity leave,they won't do anything for a long time. Management also made us do some crazy shit to cover up her pregnancy but we just decide to announce it on younow by ourselves because it was too much pressure to be hiding something so big. When management found out they almost made us end our relationship and abort our baby. That's fucking ridiculous. I kiss Lauren's cheek and slowly put her to the side and get out of bed. I take a quick shower and change into some clothes. I stare at my tattoos and smirk. Damn that was a night to remember with the people I love the most. I didn't tell Lauren because...well I knew she would act all motherly like so nvm. I go downstairs and make some original breakfast. I run back up the stairs and kiss Lauren's cheek again.

"Hey's time to wake up." She turns a little in her sleep and turn her head to me.

"Five more minutes!" I giggle and smile a little.

"No baby we got a big day ahead of us and we gotta get going." I say and she opens her eyes.

"Ugh! The light!!" I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Let's go babe, get really." She nods and gets off the bed to put on some clothes. Her belly is so big I haven't been here for so long man. My soon-to-be wife is having my baby. I smile and wrap my arms around her belly.

"What are you doing?" Lauren tell me and I kiss her shoulder.

"I can't wait to be a mommy" I say and she giggles.

"I can't wait either...I'm saying it's a boy. What do you think?" I rub her belly and smile.

"I say it's a baby girl." I turn her around and kiss her softly.

"Now let's go downstairs and eat." I say and we walk down the stairs.

*hours later*

"fuck I missed this." Lauren says and i kiss her neck softly. She puts her head back and bite her lip.

I smirk and pull away . She runs her hands over my tattoos and looks at me.

"you're so beautiful" i says and she kisses me gently. We hear the front door open.


We look at each other and sigh. Well...the peace was fun while it lasted. They all come in the living room and jump on me.

"Y/N!!" I groan as they literally jump on me.

"Can't breath! Can't breath!" I try to get out and they all laugh as Lauren try's to get them off me. They get off eventually and I fix my shirt. I look up and they give me a group hug. I groan.

"Come on guys it was only a few months." I hug them back.

"That's long enough dog. We missed you!" Dinah says and they let go of me. I look at all of them and see Camila wasn't here.

"Where's cami?" I smile at them.

"Probably out there doing her own thing." They smile but everyone could tell it was a fake smile. They all miss Camila. Lauren the most. They had a huge connection from the start. Couldn't imagen myself loosing my bestfriend.

"Oooo girl! Did you get tatted?!" Normani says and grabs my arm. I smile and nod.

"Yeah I did it when I was half drunk but it came out just as I wanted." They all laugh and Lauren shakes her head. I send her a kiss and she bites her lip.

"Why doesn't we go baby shopping?" Ally says and Lauren gets excited.

"YESS!" She says and I sigh.

"Let's go!" Dinah says as they all get there things. I get my phone and walk to the door. I guess this is parenthood now.
I know this is a very late update and needed for sure but I've been busy with school and softball but I had time to do this so here it is. Not the best of my work but eh. Hope you liked it and remembered to vote and share with your friends. Comment your favorite emoji. I love you guys. K. Bye!

Stay Rad

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