The Family

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Artwork credit: Franz Ackermann (Unnamed Mental Map) 


File: The Sycophant Colony Chart

Number: 0010-0600

Experiment: Alchemist Leofing's Question of Life

Brief overview:

A chart of the Sycophant Colony growths, personalities, quirks, connections as well as hierarchy, relationships, functions and brief history.


Name: Mr. Sunshine

Photo: (faceclaim: Wouter Peelen) 

 Sunshine Photo:  (faceclaim: Wouter Peelen) 

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Skin tone: Sand

Body type: Ectomorph dominant with some mesomorph features

Body build: Somewhat muscular in frame on torso with more lean features on the rest of the body

Height: 5ft'10in

Weight: 163lbs

Face shape: Square

Eye shape & Color: Round & a rich orange-red in color 

Eye shape & Color: Round & a rich orange-red in color 

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Nose: Straight, lowered 

Mouth: Thin

Hair length, texture & Color: to jaw in length, wavy but can turn curly and darker brown in color

Complexion: Clear with some facial hair

Noteworthy features: Strongly defined cheekbones

Voice sample: Will Wood "2econd 2ight 2eer/ well that was fun, goodbye! (lyrics)

Personality: Eccentric, random. Every move leaves a guess, will either be polite and using manners and the next would-be random rantings or movements. Very showmen like.

Quirks: Thrives in light, specifically daylight in the summer. A charismatic, persuasive, manipulative, chatterbox.

Temperament: Quite calm and cheerful even in situations where he's shown signs of anger. Never openly changes when angry and his tolerance of specific things and situations change at random. Overall, unpredictable.

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