AHS: Freakshow

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NOTICE: These are very old OCs, I will be re-doing their information and presentation at some point in the future. 

Face Claim: Sean O'PryFull Name: Vincent Dean LupoPronunciation: Vin-cent Dea-ne Lu-poNickname/Alias: Vinnie, Dede, Den, Lu, all plays on his names Meaning: Vincent, based off of a Latin name for conquering, Dean from an Anglo-Saxon name of valley...

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Face Claim: Sean O'Pry
Full Name: Vincent Dean Lupo
Pronunciation: Vin-cent Dea-ne Lu-po
Nickname/Alias: Vinnie, Dede, Den, Lu, all plays on his names
Meaning: Vincent, based off of a Latin name for conquering, Dean from an Anglo-Saxon name of valley and Lupo, Italian for wolf.
Origin: His parents agreed to name their second son Vincent after naming the first one Johnny since they were not only popular names but also very Italian names.
Title: The Piercing Prince
Pet Name: Angelo (Angel)
Signature: Gender: Male
Gender Role: Masculine
Orientation: Bisexual
Real Age: 24
Age Appearance: Early 20s
Birthday: June 22, 1928
Birthplace: Albany, New York, United States

Immediate Family: his father who married his mother and she gave birth to her son , two years later she had her son and four years after that her twin sons and .
Distant Family: On his father's side: Fabio Lupo who married Gaia Lupo and she gave birth to Sofia Lupo, Letizia Lupo, Luigi Lupo and Francesco Lupo. On his mother's side: Giacomo Costa who married Nadia Costa and she gave birth to Marzia Costa, Chiara Costa, Stefano Costa and Aurora Costa.
Parenting: Caring but firm
Upbringing: Always take care of family and always know that family will help out, no matter what
Infancy: [0-2] Vincent was born the second eldest of the family and was spoiled with knitted and sewed toys and outfits and clothes that were once Johnothan's. His grandparents would make him little treats just like for his brother and he was given the full amount of love that any person could ever hope to have. He had striking green eyes and sharp features, even on his tubby body and chubby cheeks. His parents, who barely spoke English would tell him of the stories of freedom and joy they wished him to have, the good life for him to enjoy and conquer to the fullest. However a great tragedy hit and many Americans lost their jobs as the stock market had crashed. Francesco had to scramble to find work and worked as many jobs as he could so his family could survive. Marzia couldn't work for many months after giving birth to her son and needed to watch Johnothan. The various family members and neighborhood came together like a family and soon they all began working together to earn food and money for each other and became a very tight knit family. Mothers would cook, clean and take care of the children and even teach them while the men went off and worked as many jobs as they could to make sure they all stayed afloat.
Childhood: [3-12] The Great Depression continued on until Vincent was four years old and two more mouths to feed were born but his family didn't seem to mind. They were named Diego and Pierre and helped lighten the spirits of his family which Vincent appreciated since he was too young to understand what was really happening and Johnothan somewhat understanding knew how much his parents needed a distraction. Johnothan became somewhat of a hero to Vincent, always playing with him and teaching him how to tie knots or climb trees. He was Vincent's best friend and someone to who he idolized completely. Their father, Francesco had only a need for one job and choose his previous profession as a mechanic. He'd spruce up neighbor's cars and client's, there Francesco had Vincent and Johnothan join him in the mechanic work with the explanation of "A man who can't change a tire or fix a leak shouldn't be called a man at all." and therefore the boys learned how to fix up cars, give them new paint jobs and overall the knowledge and respect of automobiles. When he was elven he and his brothers were playing with fire pokers and Diego had slipped and stabbed Vincent. There it went through his skin and all the boys began screaming in fear. When his mother Marzia ran in to see the panic she nearly fainted at seeing a firepoker sticking inside of her son who wasn't bleeding. After calling for Francesco, Vincent was taken to the hospital and to the doctors surprise there was a wound but it had nearly completely scarred over when they removed the poker. Baffled, the doctors took an x-ray to see that Vincent had indeed healed. It was outstanding, a boy stabbed with what could be a deadly weapon was completely fine. He was soon a medical mystery as to why he hadn't even been wounded or barely felt any pain. Asking for his parents permission to run a test to see exactly how the boy hadn't been harmed they soon drove an icepick through his forearm. Once again, no blood and on the x-ray the skin tightened. Apparently Vincent's body could rapidly make scar tissue and make an extra layer of protection to anything vital. The doctors hadn't seen anything like him and were outstanded by him but didn't want to traumatize a young boy by constantly stabbing him and asked his parents for reports of anything similar happening and to tell them of what they saw and honestly not to be worried if he got stabbed since he healed so quickly. Other then his bizarre ability to make scar tissue so quickly he lived a normal happy life, helping his brothers and father on cars and his mother with chores. Diego had grown a large interest into trains and even though his two other brothers made fun of him for it Vincent was also enchanted with trains as they were like very big, long cars with extra bits. If he wasn't doing chores or working on cars he was making model trains with his brother. He had long forgotten the hard struggles his family had gone through until the next year it came and bit the family in the ass, so to speak. A war had been declared and a call to all able men were called to arms to defend their country. Every man who could in Vincent's neighborhood and family signed up to serve in the war and not wanted his father to go he argued which became quite heated between the two of them which ended in Vincent telling his father he didn't care if the man came home or not. The next day he apologized to his father with a heavy heart and tears in his eyes, he was forgiven for his harsh words by his father but he couldn't forgive himself as Francesco shipped out to go fight in Germany. The only thing to truly get his mind off of what happened was his school work, it wasn't marvelous by any means but it was good for a public education. He wasn't a star pupil but he did his best and for a time it worked, until the money became tight and soon he balanced a job and his school work.
Adolescence: [13-17] It had been a year and all the boys who were too young to be deployed quickly went to work along with Vincent who was a mechanic with Johnothan, Diego got work as a train mechanic and Pierre worked as a house repairman. Marzia got work at the local daycare. Much like the time of the Depression the families came together and supported each other financially where they could spare it. Women would tutor the children and those old enough were expected to help out with funds. Even with the help of the neighborhood and the jobs that the boys worked it was still hard to maintain an education and a job so Vincent and Johnothan came up with a rather...illegal idea. They'd go to neighboring towns that had a lot of the more swanky cars and people who could afford to pay men to go fight for them and steal the tires off of their cars. They'd do it late at night and then their boss Carlo Giuseppe who wanted in on the deal sold the tires. It was a slick set up, they'd make enough money to help with expenses and things like that and stopped when more money began to flow. All three agreed to never speak of the occasion unless money became tight again and then they'd start once more. Vincent often thought of his father who sent letters where he could with what money he could to help support the family but never quite spoke of the terrors that were happening, even if the news explained all they needed. The man was positive at most times, always trying to find the light in the darkness to give his family hope but they all knew it was for him but they hoped anyway, for him. For him to come home, alive and well. Marzia could barely function without him around, besides cooking, cleaning and doing her job she seemed shut down and distant. Her greatest love was what felt like a million miles away and she had no way of making sure he stayed alive. She'd send dry food, clothes, letters, anything to let him know that he was still loved and very missed. All reached her husband who sent back gifts and letters when he could. Vincent would write, about school, about his job, about him growing as a man. About how much he missed his father and every letter would have the same words on it. "Sto tornando." which meant "I'm coming back." A prayer for the whole family.
Adulthood: [18+] Three months after Vincent finished high school Francesco returned home to his family, alive and physically unwounded but mentally the man had suffered greatly. The horrors he had seen, the men he had killed, the friends who had died, it all took it's toll on him. This once great man was a shell for many months. Hitting the deck at a car backfiring or popcorn being made and having screaming nightmares to which only Marzia could calm him. At one point in his sleep when Marzia had gone to check on one of the neighbors Pierre went in to calm his father who had awoken from a screaming nightmare and attacked his youngest son. It took all three of the other brothers to pull the man off of their now screaming brother and only then did Francesco realized what he had done. He checked himself into a mental facility for soldiers and went into behavior classes to help with his impulses to attack whoever was trying to calm him that wasn't his wife. It was another year of Vincent's father being gone and Johnothan had stepped up as head of the household, taking care of bills and any house repairs that needed. Vincent however, made a group of friends who were with the times. A bunch of childhood friends with slicked back hair and worked on cars with spiffy motorbike jackets. He quickly adapted to his friend group, joining in with their taste of music and style. It helped him forget the year of his father's absence. When Francesco returned the entire nighborhood celebrated at him coming home, to some it was like a brother or an uncle but none felt as strong as the Lupo family. Vincent was so happy to celebrate his father returning home who seemed much calmer and like the man who had raised him. As he went to the store to buy ingredients to cook as a celebration he saw a flyer to a freakshow, Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities. Well it could be fun, he thought and perhaps the perfect distraction his father needed where he could get lost in the wonder. After doing his shopping he went to the box office and with his saved up money bought six tickets for the whole family. When he returned home with the tickets he told his family and they all went to the freakshow. It was a hoot, seeing men and women swallow swords or fire, a boy with lobster claws, a bearded woman, a place that spoke to him in a way he hadn't felt before. After the show he decided to go up to the boy with lobster claws and asked if they were accepting any help with mechanics, as a thanks for such a good show. "Nah, lot us here know our way around an engine but thanks." And without time to think Vincent asked. "Well you acceptin' new acts? I got one as slick as anything." he didn't, he wasn't a performer but he could stick sharp objects into his body and not die. Jimmy, as he learned the boy with the claws name was thought he was pulling his leg. "I ain't blowin' smoke. Here, grab that sword and I'll take off my shirt." and with that he asked Jimmy to stab him. Jimmy quickly shook his head so Vincent glared and ran himself through with the blade. Straight through the heart and yet there was no blood and he hadn't even flinched. "Walking pin cushion, doc says I can make scar tissue as soon as even the tip of something pierces the skin. That good enough?" Jimmy, both disgusted and impressed with the fact that a greaseball had run himself clean through with a sword decided to bring Vincent to the owner of the freakshow, Elsa Mars. There Vincent showed his ability and was hired almost instantly. He was given the stage name of The Piercing Prince, for his pretty face and for his act. Then Vincent explained to his parents who were proud that he found a place where he could feel normal and be able to make money off of his God given gift. He said his goodbyes and packed his items by the end of the week when the show was leaving and joined them in his 1949 Buick Special and an uncle's old trailor that he got for cheap. As soon as he began to perform for the audience he realized his real calling in life. He was a performer and a damn good one at that.
Coming of Age: 12
Evolution: He was cheeky then and he was cheeky now but in style

Species: Human
Ethnicity: Italian
Blood Type: O
Preferred Hand: Right handed
Facial Type: Oval
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hairstyle: Greased back
Skin Tone: Olive
Complexion: Clear
Makeup: Performance makeup, blush, some eyeliner, little lip gloss
Body Type: Mesomorph
Build: Lean but muscular build, long arms and legs, scarred and strong
Height: 6'3 ft
Weight: 200 lbs
Facial Hair: Scruffle, 5 o'clock shadow
Shoe Size: US men size 10
Birthmarks/scars: Multiple small puncture wounds all around his body and one on his chin from falling off of a rock and hitting his chin on the bark
Distinguishing Features: His sharp cheek bones and dimples

Health: Good
Energy: Lots
Memory: Has a good memory but doesn't remember his younger years of his childhood.
Senses: His smell and hearing are stronger
Allergies: Soy and certain metals
Handicaps: Small limp in his right leg
Medication: Pain killers, asprin mostly
Phobias: Anginophobia (fear of choking), Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
Mental Disorders: Depression

Style: Greaser
Mode of Dress: Depending on what he's wearing he usually doesn't tuck in his shirt but never lets his pants sag
Grooming: Well-kept and messy
Posture: Slouchy
Gait: Fast
Coordination: He's decently strong and has slightly faster reflexes
Habits and Mannerisms: Combs his hair when he's bored, chews on a toothpick and fiddles with his sunglasses
Scent: Yardly. Original and black label

Mood: Cheery
Attitude: Cheeky
Stability: Very constant
Expressiveness: Hides emotions
When Happy: Whistles, dances, sings
When Depressed: Stays in his caravan and plays his record
When Angry: Punches walls, blows up in people's faces and aggressively chews his finger nails
Note: These are generalizations. Different situations will create different reactions.

Current Residence: Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities, Jupiter, Florida
Community: Very friendly, all of them family
Family: All the freaks in the show and his folks back home
Friends: Amazon Eve, Bette and Dot, Suzi, Jimmy Darling, Desiree Dupree, Ethel Darling, Ma Petite, Pepper and Salty, Meep, Paul and Penny
Enemies: Gloria Mott, Dandy Mott, Dell, Stanley, Maggie, Chester, Elsa Mars (love-hate relationship)
Bosses: Elsa Mars and Ethel Darling
Followers: Stage hands when he's performing
Heroes: Ethel Darling, his mother, his father, Amazon Eve, Suzi
Rivals: Jimmy (friendly competition)
Relates to: Jimmy, his father
Pets/Familiars: Has a dog named Angelo

Wardrobe: , , , , Equipment: Swords, needles, sharped objects
Accessories: Rings, necklaces, cufflinks, sunglasses
Trinkets: His switch blade, comb, hair gel, flask, cigarette holder, wallet
Funds: Usually 20 bucks on him but has saved up over 300 and has hidden it well in a top of the line safe
Home: Metal caravan lined with wooden floors and filled with different records of rock and roll artists, little family portraits, musical instruments, books, clothes, trinkets and decorations
Neighborhood: Very hard working, homey
Transportation: Car
License Plate Number: IGX 909
Collections: Guitar picks, knives, flasks and Italian books
Most valuable possession: Family heirlooms
Prized Possession: Family portraits

Lovers: He's had flings and a few serious relationships in high school but nothing permanent
Marital Status: Single
Sex Life: Active
Type: Eros "Passionate love"
Turn-Ons: Funny, kind, likes jokes, smart, witty
Turn Offs: Intense clinginess, no humor, bad puns
Position: Dom
Plays: Roleplay
Fetishes: Long hair, pouty lips
Virginity: Few times 

Occupation: Freakshow Performer
Work Ethnic: Extremely hard worker, he loves his job
Rank: High up but Elsa is the queen
Income: Depending on the crowd that night
Wealth Status: For some it would be lower class but for him he's king of the world
Experience: He's been working his craft all his life and his parents helped him in some aspect
Organizations/Affiliations: His family
Character Sheet © Character-Resource

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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