Chapter 4: Tag

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The afternoon sun bathed the schoolyard in a warm glow as Koha and Rangi stepped outside for a break between classes. The tension of the day began to lift, replaced by the carefree energy of the students around them. Koha felt a bit of his usual enthusiasm returning, especially with Rangi by his side.

"Hey, Koha, how about a game of tag?" Rangi suggested, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Koha grinned. "Why not? Beats sitting around."

They quickly rounded up a few other Year 10 students who were eager for a break from their studies. As the group gathered on the grass, they noticed a new face standing off to the side, watching them curiously.

"Hey, you want to join?" Rangi called out to the new kid.

The boy hesitated for a moment before nodding. He walked over, his movements a bit unsure. "Sure, if it's okay."

"Of course it's okay," Koha said with a welcoming smile. "I'm Koha, and this is Rangi. What's your name?"

"Chassie," the boy replied. "I just transferred here."

"Welcome to Taupo College, Chassie," Rangi said, clapping him on the back. "Ready to play?"

Chassie nodded, a small smile creeping onto his face. "Yeah, let's do it."

With the teams quickly sorted out, the game began. Koha immediately took off, weaving through the other players with surprising agility. He wasn't the fastest, but his quick thinking and sharp reflexes made him a formidable opponent. Rangi, with his athletic build, easily kept up, and Chassie, despite being new, proved to be quite nimble.

As the game progressed, laughter and shouts filled the air. The stresses of school seemed to melt away, replaced by the pure joy of play. Koha found himself chasing after Chassie, who darted around with surprising speed.

"You're pretty fast for a new guy," Koha called out, breathless but grinning.

"Thanks!" Chassie replied, laughing. "You're not so bad yourself."

Just as Koha was about to tag Chassie, Rangi swooped in, tagging Koha instead. "Gotcha!" Rangi said with a triumphant laugh.

Koha rolled his eyes playfully. "Alright, alright. I'm it." He turned to chase after another player, feeling the thrill of the game.

Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of their break. The group reluctantly disbanded, panting and sweaty but happy. Koha walked back to the school building with Rangi and Chassie, feeling a sense of camaraderie.

"That was fun," Chassie said, his cheeks flushed from the exertion. "Thanks for letting me join."

"Anytime," Rangi replied. "You're pretty good at tag. Ever played rugby?"

Chassie shook his head. "Not really. I've always been more into running."

"Well, maybe we can teach you," Koha suggested. "It's a big part of life here in Taupo."

"I'd like that," Chassie said, smiling. "I've always wanted to learn."

As they entered the school building, Koha felt a sense of contentment. Despite the struggles of the day, he had made a new friend and found a moment of happiness. He glanced at Rangi, who gave him a knowing nod. They both knew that, despite the ups and downs, moments like these made it all worthwhile.

The rest of the day seemed to pass more quickly, the lingering energy from their game of tag giving Koha a boost. As he headed home that evening, he thought about the new friendship they had formed with Chassie. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to look up.

Word Count: 544

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