A Blessing Left

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Things were going so well and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and it did. I was working the ER when Mia and Anastasia were brought in to the ER. I watched as my granddaughter was rushed to the NICU, the EMTs were telling me everything that happened and I couldn't believe what they said as I watch my new daughter in law being rushed to surgery and Mia begging me to save her daughter and Anastasia. She then was rushed to surgery herself. I had to be helped to a seat. Suddenly I hear Carrick and feel his arms around me. After the Ireland situation Anastasia and Christian chose to get married quietly and quickly before anyone caught on.

We are playing the waiting game as Ethan runs in and asks if there is any news yet? We have to tell him his daughter was born and in the NICU. We go look at the baby who weighs three pounds and is attached to all kinds of things. Grace is reading the chart and she comes out and tells us that she is stable but critical condition. Ethan is gowned up and touching his baby girl and talking to her. I think she knows who he is already. Grace and I leave him to visit Amelia Daisy Kavanagh and we go find out how Anastasia and Mia are doing. Christian, Kate and Elliott arrive and so does Leila and Frederick.

I finally come to in recovery and I was lucky to have Anastasia with me when everything happened. I then realized that it was Ireland that caused all of this to happen. It was her that caused my baby to be born and she attacked Anastasia trying to deliver my baby. Luckily she was able to deliver the baby before Ireland got hold of her. She fought to save our lives even though she was bleeding from where she was injured from the accident, if you can call it an accident when someone plows into your car. The ambulance pronounced Ireland dead at the scene. Anastasia flatlined as they pulled her from Ireland's death grip. They got me and the baby out just before the car exploded. I saw mom and begged her to save the baby and Anastasia. They brought Ireland's dead body in soon after they brought us in. She was pronounced dead once again. Anastasia nearly lost her life to that crazy Cross bitch.

I went to see Mia after she woke up. She told me what happened and I was glad she is alive. I showed her the videos of our daughter. She knows that the baby has to stay in the NICU until she gets better. The GYN has told me that Mia might never be able to have anymore children after the trauma she had because of the wreck. I will let the GYN tell her that information and in terms she will understand. This sucks because of an insane person we might not be able to have more children. If she weren't dead I might kill her myself.

Kate and I went to see Amelia and she looks so helpless with all those tubes going in and out of her. Kate is crying for the babies in the NICU. We are having number two and it hit her hard to see these babies along with our niece. We are waiting for news on Anastasia and finally they have her in the ICU on a ventilator. They think she will survive the injuries she endured because of the wreck and Irelands attack. They had to stop internal bleeding. Christian is sitting with her now. She has a lot of bad luck.

The babies in the NICU made me cry and I needed to go see Mia and check on Anastasia. Mia is awake and ready to see her baby but can't get up yet. Anastasia finally is in the ICU and unconscious. They have her on a ventilator and she's in a medically induced coma. All kinds of IVs are hanging and going into her body. They have a sheet over a structure to keep anything from touching her body at this point. A lot of people are coming and going out of the room checking her over and alarms have been going off. They check things and reset the alarms. Christian is sitting there with her hand in his. He doesn't know how this happened yet. Neither do I. He will soon knowing his connections.

I had Jason look into how this happened to Anastasia and I blew my stack when I found out Ireland had done this Anastasia and Mia and the baby. I am waiting and watching and Jason tells me that Gideon is on his way to claim Irelands body. She better be dead after everything she has done. I demanded to see her dead body. Jason leads me to where they are doing the autopsy on her body. It definitely is her laying on the table and looks like Anastasia fought tooth and nail to survive what Ireland did to them.

I can't believe that Ireland actually killed her doctor and broke out using the woman's ID and drove off in her car. She found her way to Seattle yet again, but this time Anastasia killed her nearly losing her own life. I watched the cctv footage of how everything happened. I have to arrange for her body to be flown to New York and buried in the family graveyard. She really shouldn't have been able to escape, I still don't know how she murdered her doctor yet. I go apologize for the harm she did to everyone. They really didn't want to see me at all. I ran into Christian making sure that Ireland is indeed dead and they were doing an autopsy on her body to establish cause of death. He had to leave after seeing me.

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