Childcare Center

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Christian found out about Sarah becoming my household manager and he hired her away from me to become the head of a new childcare facility he opened close to GEH and runs 24/7. GEH has first choice of spots and then they allow people with no income to bring their children to stay Sarah will be working with them especially in a separate facility next door. All children will have the same experience at the childcare center. Teachers are supplied to give all the children a head start.

I love my new position and I am staying with Kate and Anastasia and still running the household. All it takes is giving orders to the cleaning crew and the cook as well. It is not hard to do that. Supplies are ordered automatically. Thomas comes to have lunch with me regularly. It took getting used to not having Connor around and when I was offered the position at GEH it got better because I know he is with his parents again. I don't know how it was so easy for Anastasia to give him back, but I guess it wasn't as easy as it seemed. I heard her inside his room crying through the monitor. She threw herself into whatever she does and we barely saw her. She was losing weight and finally she had to eat a healthy meal.

I dragged Anastasia to the dinner table and made her eat something nutritious. It was one of her favorites. I noticed things after she gave Connor to his parents. I wonder if he is okay? Anastasia has heard from them finally. She said he finally settled down after two weeks and now he is adapting to his new home. She showed me photos of Connor in his new home. I couldn't make out his parents. I suspect it was deliberate. I miss the little guy and so does Elliott. We let him have the train set back. It was just sitting there anyway, so he took it to the childcare center for children to play with. Anastasia sent Connor's things to them after that. Now the room is empty and the car seats are gone as well. Elliott asked me out on a proper date. Thomas proposed to Sarah before they attended the birthday party. They were too sad about Connor to tell anyone their good news. They are getting married in six months, his grandmother's birthday.

After I gave the train set to the childcare center Anastasia gave all Connors things to them as well, including the car seats. It was a sad day for everyone, but she had to give him back to his parents. Apparently they made agreements of sone type and she wasn't going to break the agreement. She even donated to the center monetarily. I had no idea she would do something like that. It helped get things for the needy children who were dropped off there. Christian and I had been trying to help the children and the parents as well. A few have started working for us and we are helping them get trained for better jobs. I found a few homes that needed fixed and made them inhabitable and furnished them with all appliances.

I can only imagine what Anastasia, Kate and Sarah must feel like because Gail is definitely missing Connor. Sarah took the job I offered to her and she is now engaged to Thomas and he has asked for time off to marry her and go in a honeymoon. He has it all planned out. Mom and dad have been after me and Elliott to get married. Sadly too many women throw themselves at us for our wealth and looks.

Steele Technologies is going through growing pains and I need to expand them to Seattle. I found a huge property to build on and Kate thinks that we could build two buildings and a parking garage for both companies as well. I call Elliott and he listens to what we want and he has created a few great designs. We also include a childcare center for employees 24/7. We followed the example that Elliott and Christian did. I started to hire people to work in the Steele Technologies company. There were a few good people in Seattle but they were hired by GEH.

I had a few people arrive to help set things up for Kavanagh Media. It took a while to get the permits for everything for both buildings including getting the air space to land on the helipads. The things we had to look at and sign were amazing. Anastasia read everything and asked all the right questions. Elliott and I have been seeing each other casually at this point. He seems to have changed since he ghosted me. I am just taking it one day at a time at this point. I noticed that Christian has been hanging out with Anastasia off and on. I don't think they are anything but friends. Then I hear they are collaborating on a children's clinic for children with long term medical needs. Grace Grey is involved in it as well. So I get to meet Elliott's mother. Then I meet Carrick Grey when he dropped off legal documents to Anastasia. The Ethan guy turned out to be my brother. He had been kidnapped as a baby by his aunt and she had died recently leaving a letter to him with her attorneys. I checked all his documentation and the newspaper reports about the kidnapping. My parents never got a ransom note or call. They were hunting the kidnappers and couldn't find any unknown fingerprints in his room. No one ever suspected Aunt Marcia Kavanagh. She had been pregnant and lost the baby when Ethan was born and she took him and ran away and hid from everyone. My parents thought she might have been grabbed too. Sadly she wasn't and she was able to disappear in New York.

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