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Lute had arrived the day after Adam, her attempts of finishing off the hotel fruitless.

Her and Adam had been married for a week so far, she was sleeping in their bed when she turned off and noticed him gone.

"Where the fuck has he gone?" she groaned as her eyes adjusted to the light.

She'd slide out of the bed, landing on all fours with a thud, slipping in her dress and waltzing downstairs.

Bumbling down the stairs and falling against the bar as Husk looks over.

"Sleeping beauty finally awoken"
He'd retort as she sticks her tongue out at him jokingly

"How you been?" he'd ask

"I been good, happy I'm finally with Adam" she'd look up sentimentally like in cartoons

"That's great!" he'd smirk and lay back on the counter.

The Ballad of Hazbin Hotel AUs (CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)Where stories live. Discover now