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                             " 𝑰 𝑵𝑬𝑬𝑫 𝒀𝑶𝑼. "


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A breathy, needy moan rang off the walls in aki's apartment. He was so pent up the past weeks, all he could think off was his lover. Fuck, he needed you. Even if he deny's it. As if he didn't lay hours in bed with only you swarming his head, his hands traveling dangerously close where it shouldn't go. As if he wasn't dreaming of you almost every night. And usually everything settled down and goes fine again, but not today. He was so turned on, so pent up that he couldn't even *think*. And you? Well, as soon as you received his message, you didn't waste no time.

Aki whined loudly, his hips barely having time to meet yours as he was made to ride you. He doesn't even remember how you got in, only knowing how you made him straddle your lap before absolutely fucking the living daylights out of him. You never expected for aki to be so vocal, but damn, it was really hot.

"its so uselessly big,"

he choked out in a moan, uncontrollable whines leaving his mouth as he bit down onto your shoulder. His puffy hole clenching around the strap greedily. It was such a relief to finally let go, to diminish his frustrations.

"As if you don't love it,"

You replied in a chuckle, your hips thrusting up in just the perfect spot which got his eyes rolling back in pure bliss.

"you're really tight. Tell me, baby. Did you touch yourself while i was gone?"

The following whimper made it clear he didn't. His hips followed down onto the strap, his neglected cock leaking richly as he pulled back from your shoulder.


he pleaded, his mind too fucked up to keep his voice stable. You raised an eyebrow at him, eyes glancing at his cock.


"Touch me."

The grin on your face grew, your hand reaching out to take ahold of his shaft. Causing his body to tense. But your hand didn't move.

"Like this?"

You tilted your head, barely even stroking him. Which made him buck against your hand in desperation.

"Gosh, [name], please-"

His sobs were too cute to ignore, tears pricking his long eyelashes as he whimpered. Clenching around your strap. You savored the sight, chuckling softly. It was a rarity to see him so needy and flushed for you. Finally giving in, your hand slowly stroke him, making his body arch in relief.

"You're adorable when you beg."

Your words caused an choked mewl out of him, nails digging into your shoulders. Followed by a breathy,

"Need more,"

You smirked, following out his request by taking him to the edge of ecstasy. As he wanted.



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by: ksweetstories.

𝓒𝓐𝓝𝓓𝓛𝓔𝓢 ; 𝘿𝙤𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨.Where stories live. Discover now