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                            " 𝑽𝑼𝑳𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑩𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑻𝒀. "


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Sweat dripped down onto the bedsheets, a choked wail leaving the raven's mouth. Karasuma was always the type to lead and assure. He loved giving pleasure and affection, basking in the praise that sang from your mouth each time he did.

But when you walked up to him on a sunny day and asked "Did you ever get pegged?" in such a nonchalant way, he thought he misunderstood your question. The words leaving your mouth sounding too unreal. But after pleading all day long, he agreed.

He didn't know what to expect from it, as long as it was with you it'll be fine. He let himself be guided and trusted you in this foreign area, vulnerability swimming in his eyes as he shifted around, craving the moment the roles reversed and he could give you pleasure.

Yet the mind-clouding sensation that fogged his head because of the feeling of his hole being stretched in such a pleasurable way made it difficult to think coherently. Nails clawing the back sheets as his eyes blurred, stars filling his vision at the slow and deep thrusts. Each just barely grazing his prostate to make him thrash beneath you.

His earlier skepticism faded, replaced by the undeniable need for more. To get fucked hard enough that he'll be sore for days.

His reactions were adorable, mostly since he was so stoic and strict. But seeing him clench around the strap so eagerly for more made you want to peg him more often. Karasuma felt his back arch slightly, each muscle and nerve blazing on fire as he muffled his moans by the silky pillows.

Fuck. He's gonna go insane if this amazing feeling continues.


he breathed, his hips subconsciously grinding against the sheets to give his cock some friction and attention it desperately needed.


you chuckled, giving an particularly long drag out before burying yourself back deeply into his velvety walls. Causing him to choke on an almost pornograpical moan.

Taking it in as a yes, you ran your hand across his muscled back. Feeling the muscles beneath tense and relax under your touch.

"You're doing so good,"

you whisper, the words making karasuma's body practically melt. Satisfaction surged your veins at his reaction, your thrusts speeding up just the right amount to make him let out a shaky gasp-like moan.


he whined breathlessly, his voice cracking mid sentence which got your cunt clenching on nothing.

"Even more? Quite greedy, aren't you?"

You teased with a sly smile, your thrusts growing rougher over time. Watching him turn jelly while his body eagerly responded with gasps and whimpering moans. Your hand moved from his back downwards to his cock, gripping it firmly in which he let out a choked whine.

"You feel so good, baby. Just relax, and let me take care of you. I'll take you apart nice and slow."

You make good on your promise. As karasuma falls apart beneath you im an trembling mess.



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𝓒𝓐𝓝𝓓𝓛𝓔𝓢 ; 𝘿𝙤𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨.Where stories live. Discover now