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Denji was sure he'll pass out. Irritating and getting on your nerves was fun at first.

Pulling pranks, purposely causing messes or just misbehaving. He was testing your limits and he relished in it.

Until he had to pay the consequences.

Now here he was, pinned underneath you in an secure grip as you pounded his hole. Mind far too gone in oblivion to think coherently.

Shit, it felt so good.

The way you took control, your hips connecting together in an relentless rhythm.

"Take some responsibility. No one but you put this upon yourself."

You warned to snap him back to reality, your free hand reaching out to interlace your fingers with his. The other hand was busy keeping his hips up, assuring he stayed in that position as you continued to fuck him.

Denji only choked out a guttural moan, his hand desperately clinging onto yours. He doesn't remember how many times he came already, all he knows his body was aching. His balls probably completely emptied by now.

And yet his walls clenched around your cock, his mind mush as he noticed the stars burned into his vision.

"i can't,"

he suddenly breathed in an broken voice, his cock twitching as it was forced into an orgasm.

"i can't, i can't, i can't, please,"

he cried softly, his legs twitching up. Although unable to move from yours pinning them down with your knees.

"you can't what? You asked for this, now take it."

Your reply was cold, it made his body shudder in reply as he whined. He arched his back, his breath coming in small gasps as he pressed back against you.

"Can't cum no more,"

he sobbed weakly, his nails digging into the silky sheets as he felt his body burn hotter. Abdomen clenching.

"Isn't that too bad?"

White filled his vision at the whisper, followed by a nibble on his ear. His body twitched with hypersensitivity, feeling his cock grow soft again.

Dry orgasm.

His legs shook, about to collapse as he gasped for air. It was a shame how his body reacted with just  a simple whisper. But he couldn't control it when it came to you.

"Mmh. Good boy, denji."

you muttered, your teeth connecting to the skin on his shoulders as your thrusts never faltered. Denji let out a breathy whine, voice hoarse.

He felt like floating, in the most painful ways possible. But it felt so good.

"One more, denji?"

He choked out a small sob in reply, his voice failing him amidst the intensity. Unable to resist no more with the fog in his mind..

"Good boy, denji."


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by: ksweetstories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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