Chapter 1

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Hello I'm Paige Brox. I just turned 20 in march I have a 4 year old child. I had sex at 16 and got pregnant and had my son. When he was 2 years old he was diagnosed with cancer. But my baby boy is a strong person just like his dad. He was cured at the age 3. He's a lot like his dad in many ways. Oh did I forget to mention his father is Niall Horan. Yes the Niall Horan from One Direction. How does Niall take care of a kid and stay famous? That's simple he has no idea he has a son. About 2 weeks after we had sex we broke up because my mom and I were moving to London because she got a amazing job offer. I knew Niall was planing on trying out for x-factor and I knew he would make it far so I didn't want to fuck it up.

I took on the mother figure pretty well. Niall was 15 and he was turning 16 a week after we had sex the a week after his birthday I moved. So if you add it all up my baby was born on June 7th. So now my baby is a happy cancer survivor! A little info might help. His name is Zayden Anthony Horan. He's 4 years old. He loves golf and fairytales. He looks a lot like Niall besides Zayden's brown eyes and tan skin witch he gets from me.

I have long blonde hair that has some curls and I have a nice tan also my brown eyes. I go to collage while Zayden stays with mum. I moved out after Zayden was cured. I live in a big flat with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a good size kitchen, and a big living room. I suck ass at golf. When Zayden still had cancer I took him mini golfing and he kept trying to hit it really hard so a week later I took him to a real golf course and he had so much fun. I always take him to charity events that take place there. Now my baby always wants to go there. Well that's a little summery of my life so far.


Today I'm taking Zayden to a charity event to support family's that have children with cancer at Richmond Park Golf Club. We normally go there every weekend. We have a membership there and we get a discount because Zayden is a cancer survivor. The desk clerks remember him most of the time. They all love him there and we are part of the big golf family.

It's seven in the morning. I have an hour to get ready before we have to be there. I get up out of bed with a smile on my face and head off to take a shower so I can get ready before I wake Zayden up. After I showered I curled my hair then looked for a fancy dress. There's a lot of rich members at the golf club, I need look appropriate. I put on light makeup and take one last look at myself in the mirror. I look older than I am. Going to places with proper people is hard being so young because they judge me and think I'm a slut.

Now for Zayden. I entered his room to see him sprawled out in his bed. I went over to his dresser to find his very dressy golfing outfit. I laid it out on the foot of his bed. I lightly shook Zayden's shoulder. "Zayden, baby it's time to get up" I said quietly. He didn't budge. I shook him a bit harder and his eyes started to flutter open. "Good morning baby boy" I said quietly. I pulled him outa bed and helped him into his clothes while he was still in a morning daze. By the time I was complete he was wide awake. We went into the kitchen and I started to make some pancakes. I quickly finished the pancakes and filled his plate and handed it to him only for him to drench syrup all over it. He is so messy. He started to eat the pancakes as if he hasn't ate in a week. He's a quiet kid when he's tired. When he finished I gave him his pills and a water bottle filled with orange juice.

We stared to head out the door after I grabbed my bag and Zayden's hand and we headed out the door. He hasn't said a word all morning. After I buckled him up in the car I got in my seat and started the car. "Zayden why are you being so quiet Hun?" I asked. He was looking out the window soon turning to face me. "I sweepy" he answered while rubbing his eyes. "You can't be tired at the golf course that's no fun!" I cheered.

"Yeah buts I sweepy" He spoke softly. We made some small talk the rest of the ride. As soon as I pulled into the parking spot I saw Zayden get energized. I turned the car off and went to help Zayden out and I held his hand as we stared to walk in there was a bunch of people there and there is a very long line to the sign in desks. So as we stood there in line I noticed the person in front of us was a bit taller than me and he had on normal golfing clothes and a golfing hat. I turned to look at Zayden to see he was looking at all the people he has never seen. I slowly bent down on my knee to fix his outfit. He looked like he went to sleep in his clothes. He's wearing a black polo with a red vest that has some black and white in it, black dress pants with some black and white golf shoes, a red tiger woods hatHe really looks adorable. Just like Niall always did.

Yay! We are almost to the front of the line. I want to know more about this guy in front of me. He seems strange. "Hello, welcome to Richmond Park Golf Club. Last name?" The lady at the desk asked the boy in front of me. Great a new desk lady. (Sarcasm) "Zayden?" Someone said quite loudly. Who is calling for my baby? "PAULY!!" Zayden pretty much screamed. Gaining everyone's attention. Paul is one of the people that is very close with Zayden he also helped Zayden with his golfing skills. Zayden ran to Paul and they hugged for a bit and he set Zayden on the desk. I still stood there in line as the desk lady continued with the man in front of me. "Me last name is Horan" I think I just swallowed my gum. "We have to names under Horan. Sir" if that's Niall I'm going to pee myself. "I is Zayden Horan!" Zayden shouted. The lady looked over to Zayden giving him a 'who let you in' look. Don't think I won't slap the shit outa her for giving my baby that look. She went back to looking at the man in front of me with a fake smile. "I'm Niall Horan" Niall said. Well. Fuck. A. Duck. The lady handed him his name card. I put on my sun glasses. He turned around and started to walk off.

After I got me and Zayden checked in we headed out to the yard where Zayden had to go up on stage and tell everyone that he beat cancer. Just like a bunch of other kids. I have a feeling Niall will be there. As I walked up the steps to the stage with Zayden on my hip, I noticed Niall on the other side of the stage. We are gunna have to meet him I know it. There was a bunch of girls between the age of 8-17. No boys really? Zayden is going to be the youngest and the only boy. We stood there for a bit waiting for Zayden to get his turn to tell his story. After everyone told their story and both the kid and their parents got a hug from Niall, it's Zayden's turn. I smiled as Zayden go to go the the front of the stage and answer the questions from non other than Niall.

"So what's your name buddie?"Niall asked

"Zayden Anthony Horan" Zayden replyed

"How old are you Zayden?" Niall asked crouching down to Zayden's level

"4" Zayden answerd

"How old were you when you got cancer?" Niall asked

"2" Zayden said into the mic

"How old were you when you were cured?" Niall asked

"3" Zayden replied

"Congratulations" Niall said with a smile. Wow I didn't know he got braces

"Thank you" Zayden said

"We'll Zayden would you like a hug?" Niall asked

"Yes" Zayden said while throwing his pail skinny arms around Niall's neck. Niall hugged back and rubbed Zayden's back gently. They finished hugging and I went over to Zayden and picked him up. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I headed off stage without even looking at Niall.



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