5.) BINI Sheena x Reader | The Scientist

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NOTE: This serves as both a prequel and a continuation aka the aftermath of what happened previously to "The Multiversal Redemption Arc" featuring you and BINI Aiah.

However, this one is centered through Sheena's POV, as we simply explore and discover Sheena's origin on how and what led her become to be an almighty God Of Redemption who helped you as the reader reunite with Aiah back in MRA.

If I will give this one a soundtrack, I would choose "The Scientist" by Coldplay, which is where the title was inspired from. Tried to read this while i'm listening to it and I find it fitting.

Enjoy reading!

-START-"The power of the time

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"The power of the time... in the palm of my hands."

Sheena gazes admiringly at the work of art in front of her.

A wide grin, a face splashed with many flashing lights from the astonishing invention shown next to her, and sparkling eyes, not from the lights but from the achievement she gained after going so far to make this happen.

Two years was worth it.

Now, the history is about to welcome another remarkable change thanks to the very successful and renowned scientist Sheena Mae Catacutan.

The creator of the Project Rewind, with its sole purpose is to have Sheena attempt erasing something impossible out of the book.

And specifically speaking, it's none other than the concept of time travelling.

"This is incredible feat of evolution, Miss Sheena. You're going down in history because of this.", her lab partner and fellow scientist; apparently in the lower level than her named Jhoanna compliments her game-changing mentor.

"Indeed I am.", Sheena said before her beaming smile flickered into shutting its brightness off.
"...but I'm not concerned of any of that.", she looked at Jhoanna who captured her eyes in response.

"In fact, I didn't care about the acknowledgement and appreciation I'll be getting once this gets released in the public.", Sheena sighed.

"Then what inspired you to build this?", Jhoanna curiously inquired.

Sheena released another huge puff of breath to the air before grabbing her IPhone laying down on the cold steel long table.

She opened it, and the very first thing her eyes catched was the image of a person she holds dearly in her heart no one could outlimit that.

She gulped, opening her home screen and poking the app that directed her to the message list. The first one that was left unread was not like that no more as she decided to peek the content of it.

"Sheena! See you there at my wedding okay? xoxo"

Sheena stared at it for a few seconds, her heart clenching at what she had just done, not only because she hadn't given it a thought, but because she had acted on the decision formed in her mind just days after receiving the invitation from her friend with whom she had secretly developed a deep loving fondness.

"I wasn't about to show up at the lab today, Jhoanna, not even you."

"Wait, Miss Sheena?"

Sheena handed her phone to Jhoanna so she could look at it. She just wants to cut the explanation short since it would pain her so much if it would last longer.
Jhoanna glanced back at Sheena with a mixed of confusion and disbelief.

"You're... invited on his/her wedding?"

Sheena only nodded.

"And you didn't came?"

Sheena lowered her head in guilt.

"I can't, even if I want to."


"He/she's my love and life, and I... couldn't simply stand seeing him/her exchange vows with someone that wasn't me."

Jhoanna frowned at that information. She immediately felt pity for her friend and mentor now that she knew that whenever she enters this place and meets her again everyday to assist her on completing this project, she wasn't okay at all which she was hiding it at all time for them to keep their attention still on the construction of the machine.

"I know he/she won't like what I did, but for once I wanted to be selfish. Mind more than heart."
Sheena fixated her eyes back at her time machine, confidence and motivated oozing from her aura as the image of the reason behind the making of the plan she was constructing appeared inside her head.

"And now... all I can think of to escape this reality I'm facing into is through this."
Sheena pulls out the remote in her pocket and presented it to Jhoanna.

"What are you implying at, Miss Sheena?"

"With this time machine, I could use this to go back to that day where I could've repeat again the mistake I've done.

It's been more than half a decade, and I still wonder what it would look like if I- if I confessed to him/her on that day," Sheena said, recalling the precise circumstances that culminated in her unsuccessful effort to confess her love back to YN."

"Maybe I could have heard what he/she'll going to answer, and if he/she reciprocated... perhaps I was there at the altar, placing the wedding ring on his/her finger and kissing him/her to be my husband/ wife."

"I should've gone all in," Sheena said as a tear spilled from her eye, her breathing going rough and her chest becoming heavy.

Jhoanna approached her mentor and softly caressed her back to console the distraught woman.
"It's okay, Miss Sheena. You don't have to worry about that now, because the solution you're looking for is right here.", Jhoanna referred to the invention in her sight.

"Does this mean you're going back to that time and try to rewrite what happened?"


"Oh...", Jhoanna understood; yet the uneasiness that crawls up in her skin prompted her to ask this again for clarification.

"Not that I'm taking this whole plan of yours differently, Miss Sheena but... do you think it'll work?"

Sheena's head went back and forth, left and right as she switches her gaze to Jhoanna and the time machine, thinking about the possibility that might occur.

However, those initially ended up for her to not get affected by any of it.
"Only one way to find out."

Sheena walked through the metal podium and stood in the middle of it. Jhoanna hurriedly came closer to the unbothered scientist and a blend of nervousness and scared developed within her.
"Be safe, okay? Make sure to return back here.", Jhoanna reminded.

Sheena bobbed her head in response. "See you in a minute.", she smirked.

A tensed smile in return from Jhoanna. She watched Sheena quite hesitatingly pressed the button in her hand as she stared at it.

"Let my love be known for you, YN."

Sheena huffed in the air then dug the surface of her thumb at the button before the blue laser from the top struck her head first until she was covered up and vanished away from the light.


Few seconds after, the light returned and disappeared only to leave Sheena out in a very familiar place that became a part of her memory she hugely regretted the most.

Her entire outfit changed from a scientist to a casual one also, the same attire she used to wore at that given night.

A gloomy environment, albeit visible thanks to the moonlight and stars illuminating the route down a Seoul street.

Sheena's eyes widened as she realized she had been transported back inside the identical car she had used at the time, with the windows pulled down, waiting for her presence to emerge.

Side glancing outside, she saw the past variant of her love interest and bestfriend YN leave his/her house wearing a baby blue polo/blouse, a pair of shoes, and a neat ponytail tie/faded hairstyle.

Sheena cannot believe what she is having right now. Repeating the moment she was eager for it to be rewritten and mended has finally provided her with an opportunity to make it real.

Down to the every exact detail and just like when this once happened, YN flashed his/her shy and soft smile seeing Sheena looking very cool peeking in the window of her car.

"Evening, cool girl.", YN greeted her with that candy so sweet voice.

"Good evening. You look so great tonight, huh.", Sheena traced her crush's outfit and as always, it didn't fail to have her attracted strongly into the young man/woman.

"You too. You're just as awesome as what your car is.", she patted the roof before opening the door and enters inside.

"So, where to at?"

"You'll see.", Sheena looked at YN through the rearview mirror before kicking off the engine to start driving away ahead of their destination.

"Don't screw it up this time..." Sheena kept on muttering to herself.

While driving, they paused for a while on a road where the streetlight blinked at green light.

Waiting patiently, Sheena sneakily looked once again at the undoubtedly attractive woman behind her, sitting comfortably while scrolling down on her phone.

She was lost in a trance until YN woke her back up with a sudden question, raising her sight away from the phone thus making Sheena return her gaze back at the road where the bypassers are still crossing down.

"You've never taken me to go outside with keeping a secret on what shall we going to do, Sheena.", YN playfully told her.

"Cmon, is this too special for me to know already?"

"We're almost there, YN. I can't give it to you yet, sorry. Just wait for a little more okay?", Sheena apologetically said and grinned at YN who is visibly pouting now from the reflection of him/her in the mirror.

Sheena felt like her heartbeat skipped when she caught that adorable action that she always loves to see from YN whenever they're together. She missed it a lot, she thought.

"You better make sure this is huge, Sheena. The way you hype it gets me really invested to learn what is it gonna be all about.", YN cautioned the driver without sincerity.

"This is just gonna be our night together, YN. Ofc-"

They are only 10km away from the mall when in an unexpected circumstances, their car got rammed over by a truck heading from another way. It didn't allow Sheena to completely speak in response.

It collided first on the side where YN is located.

The shattered car rolled and flew through the road from the impact until it stopped, leaving it upside down with all the parts left unforgiven as it completely destroyed due to the crash.

Nevertheless, even in her condition of shock and distress, Sheena slowly opened her eyes and quickly realized that YN was responding, eyes closed and head bleeding critically.

"W-what... no....", Sheena murmured as she tried to touch YN again, hoping for a hint of recovery.
 "NO, YN!!!"

She didn't received any, which made her breath heavily to control her tears from bursting out.
"Oh my god, N-no... this can't be happening."

Sheena pulls out the controller in her pocket again and clicked the button still set on the specific date, restarting everything what happened again.


Light engulfed her and everything, it worked as she was once again sitting relaxingly on the drivers seat, peeking out on the window as she watches YN slowly walk towards her after exiting the house.

"Evening, cool girl."

"Good evening. You look so great tonight, huh.", Sheena smiled after greeting him/her back and also by putting a slight blush over the cheeks of lovely YN.

Minutes later, they were in the middle of the ride when right at the moment that Sheena took a turn to enter a bridge, she horrifyingly observed that the brakes doesn't cooperate with her.

"Damn it! WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING!", she angrily push and pulled the handle which gained attention from YN herself.

"Sheena, what's going on?"

"Th-this brake... it won't allow me to-"

And her sentence again got cutted off when they reached the end the bridge that's suppose to provide a turn that will led onto another uphill only for them to unable driving on to it.

Sibce the brake doesn't work, YN and Sheena both shouted helplessly as the car crashed and smashed onto the railing, diving down through through high cliff and come crashing down along the ground.

Sheena opened her eyes slowly and once again, she saw YN unconscious and pulse not beating along with a rapidly bleeding head causing her to panic and get afraid.


Instead of pushing the button to restart the scenario again, she returned back to the present time; changing her clothes once again to her laboratory outfit and meeting Jhoanna again who was busily writing a report on her desk.

The poor girl got startled when Sheena quickly arrived back and kneeled on the floor.
She stood up and rushed towards the weakened scientist.

"What happened? Did it work?"

"I-I don't know what did I encountered, Jho.", Sheena remained her face hidden from her lowered head. "I haven't got to confess to her yet."

"What happened? Is there something that's stopping you?"

"Yeah!", Sheena looked back at Jhoanna with a stressed expression. "The memory is still fresh on me and I'm not mistaken that I only haven't got to confess to her because I decided not to.

B-but... I-I don't know what we just faced earlier became very different. We got into a car accident instead. One was us getting crashed to a truck and the other was us falling on the cliff."

"Then s-she... she both died on those.", Sheena ran her fingers across the length of her black hair with watery eyes and a increased heat temperature of her breaths.


"I don't know, Jho. It seems like, it doesn't allow me to make it happen." Sheena shrugged and shook her head.

"What are you going to do now, then? Shall we consider this project-"

"NO! I-....", Sheena exhaled multiple times before proceeding to continue her words.

"I have to try again. I'll try not to come across into a mess again."
Jhoanna only nodded to support her mentor but the worries are starting to fill up inside of her, including a thought that this mission of Sheena could be classified as dangerous.

Jhoanna stood up and pressed again the button, returning her back to the past.


Same car. Same night. Same location. Same love of her life capturing her heart.

"Evening, cool girl."

"G-good evening. You look great tonight."

"Thanks, you too."

He/she closed the door and sat behind Sheena who is hoping so bad nothing would screw up her chance this time...

While Sheena was driving, YN sensed something wrong as she watched the outside of Seoul they're passing through became unfamiliar to her.

"Sheena, what road is this? I've never been here before."

"U-uhh... we're just taking another route, YN. Hang on, we're going there okay?", Sheena assured YN who looked troubled and confused at the same time.

They were about to exit that turn but once again, for the third time... they got involved in another car crash when a lightpost collpased just right in front of a truck that was rolling down on the way too.

It made the driver to zigzag his direction as he tried to recover the balanced control of his driving but it didn't worked as he and your car collided together.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!", Sheena frantically raged as she saw YN's unresponsive state after the impact.

Pressing the button for the fourth time... fifth time... sixth time and so on until she stopped at the tenth attempt, all of these only resulted negatively for her.

As expected, she encountered other various alternate causes to her unsuccessful confession for YN.

For example, on the 5th try; Sheena and YN got into an accident which she got placed in a coma and forgot her memories with YN who still died.

6th try, Sheena received an unlucky emergency when YN's father got stroke.

7th try, YN getting kidnapped by unidentified men right when they are about to left YN's house.

8th try, YN immediately shared that her future wife confessed her feelings to her and she accepted.

9th try, YN suffered from a heart attack.

And in 10th try... all of these scenarios made Sheena to pull out one last attempt and that is when she never showed up instead on that night only for the consequences though that it will still allow the future wife of Sheena to confess to her first than her.

Returning back to the present, she got all fours on the floor and sobbed hardly as she banged her fist on the floor weakily.
"Miss Sheena! What happened now?!", Jhoanna ran through her and matched the same level as hers to easily access a comforting hug to her.


"What is it, Miss Sheena?"

"Why... why are these happening to us? A-aren't we allowed to be happy?", Sheena's messed up mind speaking up to her. Jhoanna doesn't know what to answer as she has clearly no idea also why is Jihyo all unsuccessful on those several repeats she executed.

That is... until an idea showed up in her head. She knows this won't be too pleasant for Sheena to know but she has no other choice but to inform this to her, probably might help and raise awareness for the poor secret admirer.

"Miss Sheena... it's not that I'm going against with you here but, do you think that this is still worth to continue?"

"Where are you going with this, Jho?", Sheena furrowed her eyebrows, teeth gritting in anger.
"H-hear me out first okay?", Jhoanna tried to calm down the supposedly offended Sheena.

"W-what if... what if the reasons why even after you try to repeat and change the mistake you've done on that night, it won't allow you in different ways or so is because...

... Sheena, I'm afraid that YN not ending up with you can be considered as an absolute point of time. Meaning, it is a constant one in this world and you can't do anything about it because it only states that... the scenario cannot be changed.", Jhoanna explained her speculations about everything that has been going on to Sheena.

Sheena only chuckled, much to Jhoanna getting weirded out of the latter. Spreading herself apart from the empathic friend, she looked at her in a ridiculous manner.

"No...", Sheena sighed, shaking her head. "You told me... you told me everything is possible, Jhoanna and what do you think I'm trying to do here? Huh? Am I not trying to prove it?"


"No! You don't understand!", Sheena objected, charging at Jhoanna as she grasped both her shoulders and wiggled her body aggressively.

Looking intently at Jhoanna who was left speechless, realising how crazy she must've been looking because of this problem never wanting to leave her alone for years; she slid her hands to Jhoanna's arms and buried her face shedding tears on the younger's shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. I may not know what could've felt like having that heartbreak being a burden for so long on you, but I just want help with everything I can. For my friend. For you, Sheena.", Jhoanna caressed the back of Sheena.

"This is a different thing, Sheena. We don't even know if it can create a side effect and I just want you to be aware of the danger. Don't you even notice that not only you who's hurting here but also her? You're harming her also... might as well disturbing her past life that should've been put aside and moved on already in this present time."

"Sheena, without that moment... you won't be stepping here in this laboratory, having me as your friend and lab partner while me having you as my mentor who is a well-knowned inventor and scientist to this field we took.
And most importantly...
... you won't be making her happy now in her wedding, even if it costs... without having you as the one to tie the knot with."

Sheena nodded her head and slowed down the sounds of her crying and heaving chest from pouring out all the emotions she's been keeping inside of her, in combination of everything she's been through for the past 6 years.
She lets go from Jhoanna, wiping out her tears. "I... I understand, Jho....


... this is what I want to do, and I've gone so far to obtain this remaining opportunity that I have with me.", Jhoanna tilted her head and frowned in dismay as Sheena made her final decision opposite to what she's expecting.

"I appreciate you sticking for my side as always, Jhoanna... and please, despite of me choosing this; I just want to ask for your support on this one like we usually do for each other.", Sheena requested, pursing her lower lip and presented her glimmering puppy eyes on her apprentice,
Jhoanna slumped her shoulders, tightlipped, shutting her eyes and escaped a warm sigh before nodding her head in response.

"Don't say I didn't warned you about this."

"I would."

Jhoanna and Sheena exchanged a trusting gestures at one another before Sheena took another try, pressing the button to teleport herself again into a different time, location and setting for a repeat she can't even count from all the fingers in her hands on how many she took a time travelling.

She monitored YN approaching her who's inside the car, but... Sheena's forehead crumpled and eyebrows knitted in complete disordered perspective when she began observing something... strange.

YN stopped his/her tracks, only inches away from her peeking out of the window.

She watched YN looking around the neighborhood, his/her eyes even contacted at the spot where Jihyo is but she just swiftly lured her sight away at the unknown.

"YN?", Jihyo called his/her name but left no reply from the latter.

YN looked at the time from her wristwatch and sighed. "That little brat. She pranked me again."
Sheena's confusion grew larger, assuming that YN doesn't see him/her at all when in fact, their gap is very narrow for them to reach theirselves.

"YN? YN?! HEY, I'M HERE!", Sheena kept shouting at YN, hoping that atleast her presence will be felt and seen but to no avail.

"W-what's going on...", Sheena panickedly cupped both her head and rubbed her hair on the sides as she's trying to process what kind of phenomenon is blocking her once again from confessing her feelings to YN.

As she tried to reach and touch YN by expanding her arm to him/her, YN instead began walking away from her; supposedly returning back inside his/her house with a dissatisfied and annoyed feeling on him/her for not seeing any traces of Sheena in front of her residence.

"YN! DON'T GO!", Sheena opened the door to hop out and try chasing the oblivious YN when all of a sudden the land they're stepping in began crumbling and wind hitting them strongly, causing them both to become alarmed and terrified at the instant earthquake intensified right at the moment.

Sheena leaned at the car to gain support from her stance as she felt dizzy from the vibration and impact of the shaking ground while YN crashed on his/her knees, unable to maintain his/her balance.


She tried to help her friend, attempting to run her feet straight through her until the skies began switching colors from a dull grey and black into a bright blue and yellow, with the manner having it perceived as if everything is glitching around them.

The land splits into two, tearing both of them away from each other. Sheena watched the ground began to float as well the what it looked like underneath her, which is nothing but also a glitching appearance of their entire background.

"SH-SHEENA?!", Sheena heard someone called her name, who's none other than YN staring at her in a dreadful expression.

She got somehow relieved that YN can finally see but how could she forgot how bad of a timing it occured as now they're witnessing each other and the entire world around them shattering into pieces.

Speculating that the warnings Sheena received from Jhoanna ended up becoming true, now that she's about to experience what must've felt like having the whole reality she's seeing got slowly destroyed all because of her.

"YN!", Sheena returned the name calling.


"I DON'T KNOW EITHER BUT STAY THERE, OKAY?!", Sheena yelled at YN who followed her instructions.

Sheena reaches for the time controller on the passenger's seat and hurriedly pressed the button to restart everything again.

It failed.

She pressed again.

No good.

She went into a rage spamming on the button in sync with the repeated cursing and pleading under her breath that it'll work.

It didn't.
Sheena screamed in terror as she realized that the glitching and disturbed reality seems like it's shrinking carefully and it made her jump onto the conclusion that she believe they will end up being crushed by it.

"No... no, this can't be. I- I DIDN'T MEANT FOR ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN!", Sheena panic-stricken, grabbing YN's attention even more.

"I JUST WANTED TO BE WITH HIIM/HER!!!", waterfall of tears pouring out from her cheeks as she screamed in anguish at the weird skies above her.

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