The Trials End.

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The bird screeched as we took cover in the ruins. I knew that as it stands we had no chance at taking it on in the air. Therefore, we must ground the thing. But, how do we do so. 

I took my place by my sisters side, dodging a barrage of spiny feathers in the process. 

"Hey sis, we need to get that thing out of the sky, or close enough so we could do some damage. You think that you could get that."

Yang knew what I was talking about, she look at her shot gauntlets and nodded with a smirk.

Every since we were children. Yang and I were always doing dangerous things. She would even fight a bear if it meant protecting me. If we were to get out of these ruins alive, I needed some of the bear fighting energy. If we can distract it long enough for Yang to knock it out of the sky. We may just have a chance. 

But distracting it long enough remains a priority. I may not have an aura, but I could still use my rifle to take potshots. 

Weiss and Blake moved out from cover

Blake moved beside Yang and nodded. Using her ribbon, he spun it around a column.

My eyes widened with wonder. So they will use it to propel Yang into the air. That just might work. The bird made it second round at the ravine. 

They knew this was a better time than never, Yang jumped into the air, landing on the ribbon. With a blast of her gauntlets she sent her self flying in the direction of the bird. Laughing in pursuit. 

"What is Yang doing?" Weiss wondered aloud.

I moved beside her, dodging around barrage of quills and explained my plan. Weiss's eyes widened is bewilderment before she mumbled something about our recklessness and sent another round of ice the birds way. I chuckled. That is what happens when you place two sisters with the same brain cell on one team. We think alike, and I say it is working out fine.

Yang was now on the back on the bird, blasting away at the. The bird cried out in pain as Yang moved to its head.

"I hope you are hungry!" 

Yang unloaded several rounds into birds head before jumping down. The bird shrieked as it once again slammed into the wall. This time though it immediately began reorienting itself, I knew I had to do something before we lose our chance.

"Blake, I need some help!"

She nodded in understanding and with a throw of her blade she wrapped in around another collumn in the trajectory of the bird. I jumped on it, and Weiss pulled me back with her glyphs.

"Just so you know Rose, I always hated this plan."

With a smirk I called back to Weiss, "Just sit back and watch me slay in st-"

Not listening to a word I said, Weiss unleashed me upon the bird, I sent several shots propelling me forward. The bird began to lift off again. Crap. I am about to lose it!

Weiss not missing a beat, summoned a glyph below it, and with another summon, ice impaled itself into the creatures body. This is it. Now or never, I thought.  with the force of all my momentum. I wrapped the scythe around the head of our prey. 

I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it myself, so Weiss summoned several more glyph to propel me along. I screamed out, firing rounds to pull myself and the enemy up the side the cliff, and with not one more beat, and a cry of fury, my scythe ripped itself through the creatures head. Severing it from the main body.

I landed on top of the cliff in a roll, before coming back up and facing it, but it was over.

The body and the head fell from the cliff side down into the chasm below the ruins. 

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