chapter two

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I strode into the building, greeted by opulence that rivaled its exterior.

Every employee respectfully bowed as I passed, a gesture I reciprocated. Unlike some CEOs and managers, I saw no need for airs and graces.

Entering the elevator, a female employee accompanied me, her demeanor initially somber. However, my innate charm swiftly lifted her spirits, coaxing a smile from her lips.

"Which floor would you like to go to?" she inquired, her smile softening.

Returning her smile with a hint of flirtation, I replied, "To the CEO's cabin."

She nodded, pressing the button, and after a brief ascent, the elevator halted at the expansive floor. Its dimensions dwarfed even my spacious 3BHK apartment.

Stepping out, the metallic doors slid shut behind me. I sauntered towards the door adorned with a golden plate inscribed with "CEO," positioned prominently at eye level.

"Tada!" I exclaimed, entering without the formality of knocking. After all, who needs formalities when the CEO is practically family?

"How's my darling?" I inquired, settling into a chair opposite the busy woman.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me darling, Cesar." she retorted, her response prompting a pout to form on my lips.

"People might mistake us for a couple, that's why," she explained, her tone firm.

"Why do they need to mistake us for a couple when we are one?" I interjected, but her glare halted my statement in its tracks, piercing through me.

"Stop, you look scary, Sweetie," I countered in my most endearing voice, only to be met with a sigh from her.

"C'mere," I beckoned softly, and she reluctantly rose from her seat to stand before me.

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