chapter three

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Today, my family and I are set to meet our stepsister for the first time. Her identity has been a closely guarded secret from my brothers and me.

I am ready and seated in the drawing room as the others gradually make their way in. Perusing my mobile, I begin reading some memes to lift my spirits.

"Taehyung? You're ready early," Jimin, my confidant, remarked, interrupting me as he stood on the staircase, adjusting his cufflinks.

"Yes," I replied nonchalantly. "When are we leaving?" the youngest of the household inquired, standing behind Jimin.

"Excited, are we?" I teased him, my famous boxy smile on display. Jimin hyung came and sat beside me, with Jungkook following closely behind.

"Let's go." After about twenty minutes, everyone had gathered, and we departed as soon as Dad announced it.

" After about twenty minutes, everyone had gathered, and we departed as soon as Dad announced it

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I glanced at my sons, who were happily conversing with each other. Yesterday had been memorable; my children had accepted my relationship with Eunwoo. Though, they were understandably saddened and disappointed that we had kept it a secret for so long.

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