"Stay with me,"

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"Stay with me, I can't see, anywhere we could go."

Secret Garden – EmpathP


'God, what is this feeling? A feeling of being trapped...' The country opened their eyes, looking up at the fake sky.
'Where am I again? That sleep was so great.'

The butterflies dancing around near them in the flower field. The field seemed so endless with how far one's eyes could see.

Y/N slowly sat up, the petals stuck onto their shirt previously, fell off. 'Heh, the clouds look like a Crotchet (quarter note).'

They chuckled softly, hugging their legs as they observed the oddly shaped clouds.

A butterfly landed on their nose.

"Wait a minute... there's a Crotchet on its wings, too." Their eyes turned to look at the petals of the flowers, causing the butterfly to flap away.

They plucked out the flower to observe it more closely, and they saw the Crotchet pattern again. "Ooh... im in my world.."

"Heh. Silly me." Y/N chuckled, plucking the petal and tearing it apart. The world faded into nothingness as the bookshelf appeared.

They slot the book back where they had remembered it. The country took a step back, looking at the books on the shelf, getting taken up by more countries as the years passed by.

'Seems like East Germany was prepared when he made Eternal Oasis. '

Y/N smiled as they walked out of the world section. They felt the massive urge to visit the fallen countries every time they exited their own dream realm.

"Sup, Schatz." They smiled at East Germany, who was wiping the dust off the books with the feather duster.

"Hey Y/N." He said, still wiping the dust. He paused for a split second, realising who he had replied to. "Y/N?! You're back! I thought you ran away into the woods!"

"Huh? I was in my dream realm..." Y/N whispered to the librarian.

"It's been like 30 years! Don't tell me you lost your sense of time inside there!" East frowned, moving on to the other shelf.

"I had the greatest sleep ever!" Y/N smiled, expression the feelings with their arms.

"Yeah, yeah... we're all worried about you, you know? My siblings were trying to find you over the decades."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, you should go find them. I'll go with you after I finish this batch of books."

"Okay dookie!"


Indonesia scanned through the lines of books, trying to find ways to improve his song making skills.
'I've read all these already.' He sighed softly, climbing down the ladder.

'Huh? Is that Y/N? But they have been gone for decades now...' He hopped down from the ladder after seeing there was only a few steps.

Indonesia stared at the figure slowly walking to the lounge where fallen countries normally reside in now.

His inner fan wants to jump at Y/N and ask them to sign his CD, but he controlled himself, not wanting to embarrass himself if that isn't the artist he thought would be.

"Y/N, wait for me!" A hushed whisper-shout called out. East Germany gripped onto their shoulders, catching his breath for running.



Country humans (in)correct quotes!

Y/N: What do I even call you since you don't want to be mistaken for your sister?

E. Germany: Call me Schatz, it means friend, trust me.

Y/N: Okay Schatz!

China: Oh dear God, I wish for a special person, so I won't be lonely!

Y/N: Your wish is granted!

China: Huh? You ain't Shang Di.

Y/N: *snores* ZZZ.

Fun facts!

• East Germany does have a German accent but he doesn't use it cause people usually don't understand him.

• Indonesia is just a small song writer in the 90s but his songs blew up recently.

• Germany is the main reason why Eternal Oasis is a thing, if it weren't for her, East Germany would have still be dead and fallen countries wouldn't be revived.

Author's note:

Discontinued two books, created another book :3

This book prolly would be updated whenever I feel like it, I mean... every book I wrote updates whenever I want. 👟

I feel like giving Y/N a special ability to grant people's wishes lol, originally I was planning to give China this ability cause of the wish dragon.

Maybe Y/N would turn into a Jirachi.

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