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Five Pebbles smoothed his antennae back, in an attempt to gain a furthered composure; stiffening from his slackened and utterly exhaustive posture, he stood in his chambers; readjusting his robe.

With a quiet exhaling from his ventilation systems on his puppets- he requests a direct broadcast with Suns, systems adapting and preparing their holographic image for retrieval.

He clasps his hands together, trying to withhold some of his previous formalities, but grumbles to himself when he instinctively slackens anyway. His body aches, even his puppet having grown sore; far beyond what it should be.

The throbbing headache was nothing but a dull afterthought as Suns accepted; gradually appearing before him as an image, casting aside a screen, before turning to face him, straightening their own robes.

" Five Pebbles! I was wondering when you would call- I do remember you saying you needed some time to rest, although I did not expect a request this early. To what do I owe the occasion? "

They'd been speaking like this for a while now, and Five Pebbles didn't know whether to look more optimistic, or allow his expression to fall more sullen. He chooses neither.

" Hey Suns... "

He speaks quietly, voice droning on slightly with an interlaid exhaustion. It was too straining to try and hide, so he doesn't make an effort as he droops.

" ...Don't mean to be a uh... worrier, but, you alright? Heard you might be overworking yourself "

He quietly continued, watching Suns entirely pause. They take a clear moment to think, opening a display for a mere moment before whisking it away. They seem faintly distressed, and are clearly trying to hide it.

" I... Don't believe I have been, at least not to a severe extent. "

They reply, tone growing faintly apologetic, and weary- upholding some optimism.

" Don't lie to me, Suns. I've heard from Someone that the legs of your can are seeing the effects. Slow your workflow; it's alright. If i'm a lost cause in the end, then I don't want you going down with me. "

He replied bluntly, arms crossed in front of himself as he straightens his posture.

The sigh of steam from Suns was plenty of a response to leave him faintly agitated, but mostly, disheartened.

" Suns, you shouldn't be endangering your own safety to speed this up- it's not like we can stop it, anyway. Take your time, and if it doesn't make it in time, it doesn't make it. "

He continued, looking the other Iterator in the eyes- swirls of black against white. They look aside before speaking.

" I suppose I... have been neglecting some of my own condition- but it is all but necessary. I refuse to believe that you are unable to be helped. "

They reply firmly, locking gaze once again, something steady they'd both established during their most recent communications- as a care for the other.

" Suns. "

He simply responds, stubborn in nature, only to be given a curt reply;

" No. I will not be stopping my efforts- but... i'll slow it down, just for you. "

They reply, gradually losing their initial determination to resist his request.

" Thank you, Suns. I understand... somewhat how you want to help, although I don't know why on earth you care for me in particular... and don't start telling me again. I appreciate it, but I don't want you endangering yourself. "

He firmly replies, deciding to sit down on his chamber floor, the material neither comfortable or uncomfortable now.

There is a pause, a moment of silence; Suns joining him in being seated on the floor, both having merely locked eyes- staring.

" Is there anything else you'd like to talk about...? I did get some more photos of the Sun recently- if you did want to see. The quality gets better every time- "

They finally remark.

" Sure... let us go over this album. "

The rest of the cycle was mostly distraction after distraction- Five Pebbles either forcing Suns to stop working, or Suns distracting him from the thrumming pains of his systems. Either way, it was peaceful- and full of insights.

Particularly how Suns' efforts appeared to be stunted by their own rush- how their systems struggled to run this much data in singular composites. It left him with an idea to help- but Suns quickly shut it down.

The call ended shortly afterward- but not before he managed to persuade Suns to give him the most recent schematics for 'overview and observation'.

It was a bit cruel to go against Suns' worries, although he couldn't bear to sit in silence- The Citizen having already fallen back asleep. It seemed that unlike the Spearmaster- a genetically engineered marvel, her age continued to slowly creep up on her. She spent more and more of her time lounging in his chambers- and he'd slowly grown more and more comforted by her presence. He eases a mechanical hand over her spunky fur- earning a quiet rumble of a purr, before he returns to looking over these plans.

It was obvious that the flaw was a difficult to compute set of parameters. Once it was specifically calculated, the transmission of data would be easy- but calculating these parameters would be tricky... for most.

Five Pebbles was not most, seeing as his technology was modern, and exactly designed for these matters. With a sudden thrum of life in his superstructure, he kickstarts his Rarefraction cells- ignoring the dull pain that follows... just hoping that wouldn't be a nuisance later.

He's able to begin the calculations, a slow start; that as the cycle progresses, feels less monotonous- and more like a pleasant job. It's not straining- after all, it's just one process. One task- a complicated one, but just one.

As the rot slowly eats away at his metallic skeleton, he continues his calculations- parameters becoming clear, and new ideas making way. Time passes almost fleetingly, yet all too slow- dragged on as he sets the parameters in place- only to find another specific flaw in the components of the puppet.

He immediately goes about fixing it, a very quick matter- before pondering a moment.

He could send this to Suns- admit he was lying, but, in the end, aid properly in furthering development... or he could nudge Suns in the right direction.

He chose the former, not allowing mild fear to dictate him. He sends over the altered data- and some more calculated details... alongside a photo of The Citizen to soften the blow.

The instantaneous response was unexpected.


FP: I've got some things to have you check out.

SRS: Why didn't you tell me.
SRS: You shouldn't be using your processors- it will accelerate growth- what were you thinking?
SRS: Do not hide behind Slugcat pictures.

FP: I knew you wouldn't permit me to even try, but your systems were being damaged by your effort. It required minimal function from me; and cycles of work for you. It is just more convenient, efficient, and safe.

SRS: You're being eaten alive by an infection, by condition should be none of your concern.

FP: You haven't been taking care of yourself again.

SRS: We have greater concerns to worry about; like getting you either out, or killing the rot.

FP: You aren't seriously still trying to invent a creature to kill it, are you?

SRS: ...
SRS: I have multiple projects in order.

FP: Stop that.
FP: You are not built for this kind've processing format- large tasks in multiple groups are not your strong suit, you said it yourself. Do not process two projects of that nature at once, it's no wonder your structure is seeing the effects. I can see the rain from here, Suns.

SRS: I am fine, I assure you.

FP: You clearly are not.
FP: You need to stop pushing your limits, it's going to get you hurt.
FP: I know you want to help, but breaking your systems in the process helps no one.
FP: Go talk to your messenger, I'm sure they're bored out of their mind.
FP: Please, go do something other than work.
FP: Are you even reading these anymore?
FP: You DARE to ignore me?
FP: Consider your safety for once, Suns!

FP: Suns?
FP: Don't ignore me.
FP: ...
FP: Asshole.
FP: ...
FP: Suns, cmon.
FP: Just stop pushing yourself so hard.
FP: Suns.

FP: Suns...?

The cycle droned on, and yet all he could do was sit in wait.

He just desperately wanted a reply; some sign the other was okay. The oncoming storm from their general direction too, was worrying. He kept on checking the logs, over and over- as if they'd change.


FP: Suns...?

FP: Are you alright?
FP: You've got a storm brewing over there.
FP: Stop overworking yourself, please.
FP: I will only plead once that you stop.
FP: You're going to hurt yourself, I'd know better than anyone.

FP: Please, stop pushing yourself so far.

SRS: I'm sorry.

That single response left Five Pebbles scrambling for the arrays, distraught- full of a mild anger, but far more so, worry and distress.


SRS: I'm sorry.

FP: Stop, stop, do not just apologize to me.
FP: Stop it.
FP: You NEED to stop overworking yourself, do you understand me?
FP: I will not stand for it.
FP: If I must I will turn back on my main processing units and electrical.

SRS: You will do no such thing.
SRS: Do not threaten to endanger yourself please, I plead, I'm already... worried enough as is.
SRS: I'm sorry, very sorry.

FP: That does not excuse your actions, Suns.
FP: Stop. Working.

SRS: I need to get this done with.
SRS: If I stop, I may be just too late to help you.
SRS: I couldn't live with myself if that happened.

FP: That won't happen.
FP: Get some fucking rest, shut down your systems, and take a damn break- or i'll make you do so myself.

SRS: ...Alright. Just a short break.

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