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It was quiet, too quiet.

The endless churning of machinery was drowned out by the pulse of Rot, barely audible but now a constant, low humm; one that distinctly covered anything else; just like how it invaded his structure.

He couldn't help the sigh that escapes his ventilation, swiveling antennae pivoting to pay attention to a display.

Suns had barely taken a break for a cycle, and the entire time; had sulked in misery, desperate to just do something with themselves... He didn't enjoy the constant messaging over their situation, but he wasn't going to reprimand them for just wanting to do something.

The problem at hand, was now Suns was on a course to damage their superstructure with all extensive work- something that no matter how much meant Suns cared, he couldn't stand, and wouldn't stand for. He was left to ponder the message typed into the arrays- left to wonder if it was concise enough, simply formal and pleasant in nature.

Unfortunately, he doubted a message would do anything to persuade Suns, seeing as his attempts made them take only a single cycle off; and he had to plead. Disgraceful. He was left to wonder what else would even work- especially with the knowledge Suns would definitely have issues with a lie later.

He opted that the best course of action was to call the problem, and distract them with rambles they'd enjoy- or just attempt to have a conversation, free of the distractions of work. Maybe he'd get Suns to talk about their efforts on the project, rather than constantly working on them excessively.

So he opened a display, and requested a direct call; something to fix this with.

He could hear Suns rummaging around their chamber as the call was accepted, a sudden effort to tidy the mess of pearls and basic components being modeled around in holographic form. Each one disintegrates like a morning mist as the chamber is shown in his display; a direct feed installed oh-so-long ago. He himself didn't have one, although he presumed that was because he wasn't of religious significance. He doesn't think more on it before speaking.

" Good afternoon, Suns. "

The sun outside slowly neared setting; mottled light a dance of waves across the swirling coat of ozone, keeping this planet hospitable beyond their global existence.

" Afternoon, Five Pebbles- did you need anything? "

They curtly reply, tone curious, albeit fairly monotone. It leaves a faint displeasure to Five Pebbles' systems, but he had grown to accept this was a fact of Suns' behavior.

" Nothing other than to insist you take a break. "

He replied bluntly, and then cut off Suns' attempted protest.

" You're going to overwork yourself into oblivion, Suns. What's the point in working yourself to death if it might not even work in the first place? "

He numbly continued, practically trying to make humor out of the situation- but it seemed to only make Suns slump and worried; by their expression alone.

They muttered something under their breath, looking up when Five Pebbles spoke again.

" I kid. I am not undermining my own problems, I am just stating that if you work yourself into a wreck; there's no reason for it. You've got to slow down, even if you want to operate at peak capacity and performance, the equipment erodes and decays by the day. Either you need to regularly attend to repairs, or you need to slow down your efforts significantly to slow the damage. "

There's a pause before Suns speaks up in reply, straightening their posture mildly in some vague attempt at further formality.

" ...I could consider tending to repairs. My biological and mechanical laboratories are both in functional condition... but that would take more time, Five Pebbles- I want to make this up to you, and unfortunately, we are with limited time for once in our infinite lives. "

" Use your time fixing yourself first. I understand wanting to make up for mistakes- I have my fair share, far more, really... But that's not something I can afford to work towards right now. Dedicate your time to repairs, and then continue your work. You can always ask No Significant Harassment to pick up some of the slack. I know you have the habit of taking the most difficult parts upon yourself, you did mentor me, after all. "

Five Pebbles replied, giving a vaguely bitter stare, only for it to dissolve into neutral sympathy.

" Five Pebbles- you know you take priority. Rot is literally eating you alive- there are far more pressing matters than the integrity of my legs. "

Suns replies, fairly displeased in nature.

" I should be doing something productive rather than sulk, and attempt to fix my old components while you are being torn apart- I think you know at this point that I just- cannot stand that. I cannot stand to let you suffer without doing anything to try- I would wait hundreds of cycles in silence again, just hoping- because it would be worth it. You know I care for you as a dear friend, so let me do this. "

Both were met with a cautious silence, neither daring to speak much a word, till Five Pebbles heaves out a sigh through his ventilation, the sound a subtle whirr that fills the air. This had grown the norm, Suns expressing care in their own special little dumbass way... by overworking themselves for his sake. He didn't know whether to find it flattering or worrisome, or both. Probably both.

" Suns, while I find your attentive care for my needs flattering, you need to take care of yourself first. If need be, I will personally drag this conversation on with my gargantuan list of historical data points. "

It's only met by a displeased stare from Suns, although one in part of guilt.

" Pebbles- you know I just want to help. It's not that dangerous- and I've made progress! "

They protest, to then be cut off from further insistence.

" Are you willing to show me the results of these endeavors? I am merely curious. "

Suns gives a halfhearted glare.

" You're trying to distract me into taking a break, aren't you? "

" Well, Seven Red Suns, it seems you only use your wits when it doesn't benefit yourself. "

He bluntly teased, which earns a chuckle from Suns, ebbing into a quiet laugh, and then nothing.

" ...Fair enough... I'll humor you, just this once. "

This wasn't the first time Suns had caved, but it would be far from the last. Five Pebbles settled down in his chambers, staring at the screen ahead as Suns began to lay out schematics again; explaining endeavors and new discoveries. This was certainly the easiest convincing he'd done.

He gave his best effort to ignore the growing ache in his facial plating.

He knew what it was, but didn't want to acknowledge The Rot growing on his face; or moreso, in it. After all, it was best that Suns didn't know how bad it got, anyway; so he'd ignore it, and Suns wouldn't have to worry even more.

Even as it writhed on his face, sputtering with gurgles towards every noise; giving a dull beat, repeated like a cursed mantra; evermore in his senses, the plague he'd brought upon himself. He hardly noticed himself trying to claw instinctively again at it, fortunately his sensors cut out the noise- the screeching of metal considered a background audio, undesirable for the feed, and removed.

He watches the schematics with genuine interest- something he'd wanted to see, even if it was also an excuse to get Suns to rest. The hydraulics were clearly of Suns' making- optimized so impressively it had to be their handiwork. After all, Suns was Suns; and there was no uncertainty to that.

He did however, notice that Suns was currently struggling with an issue his exact parameters would be perfect for- with his systems struggling however, he'd have to save the idea for later; when Suns wasn't paying as much attention to him, perhaps when he returned to work.

After all, he did chime in to advise Suns to take a break, and work on another component of the coolant cycling rather than transcribing genetics for growing a culture on the puppet; for a microbiome of 'cleaners' and 'mechanics'. It was just microorganisms programmed in their DNA for basic tasks, but the occupation made it less of a foreign thing, didn't it? Personifying those tiny, microscopic things... How funny.

The cycle droned on much the same- Five Pebbles redirecting Suns' attention away from projects they were less suited for, and reassigning them upon himself. After all, while The Rot did spread fairly quickly- it would be some time before it even seized his processes. Even then, he'd already migrated the vast majority of his available Neuronflies, and Memory Arrays in order to have them close; to keep them as far away from the Rot as possible. Even if the rest of his structure collapsed, the memories and thoughts would be the last to go.

It was a strange comfort, really; the fact that even if his can fell from the sky, plummeting down below where the torrential downpour constantly reigned- he'd still have some fraction of his mind, some memory of who he was, who Suns was- and who his sister was, too. Those were the most important to him by far now, those fleeting memories when he was still able to pride his accomplishments.

How times had changed; now no longer trying to outshine the sun, but rather basking in the familiar rays, allowing himself to be cared for... even if going behind the other's back to care for them in secret.

He quietly continued listening to Suns drone on, long into the cycle; the periodic downpours drenching his superstructure legs, saturating them in a dew which clung till sunrise. He slumps, faintly exhausted; although, Suns wouldn't be able to tell, They couldn't see him.

" Are you doing alright, Pebbs? You've been awfully quiet. "

Suns softly remarked, their tone faintly confused, but more curious.

" I'm alright, present if you will, Suns. "

He replied calmly, before speaking further.

" I also would like to thank you for sharing this information with me, you know I am always interested in your discoveries. "

Suns responds immediately afterward.

" Of course, it is but my pleasure. "

There's a brief pause in their conversation, comfortable as Suns closes their various displays; calm and eased from their workflow. That panic for each other's condition- that bitterness that used to be there? It too had subsided like a passing wind; waves across a beach, taking away that bitterness and anger with the tide.

He was glad to move on, after all, Suns had made it plenty clear with how many times they apologized, and practically begged at his knees for forgiveness how apologetic they were.

" ...Could I get a hug, Suns? "

It was an impulsive question, but not one beyond him. The physical contact, simulated over the distance was far from the real sensation; but the comfort was welcome nonetheless.

" Sure, send the request- I'd be happy to. "

Five Pebbles gave a single moment of pause, speaking before requesting the far more direct transmission; light distributors flaring to life.

" I do ask that you don't bother me about the growth on my faceplate again. I know it looks... miserable, but it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. "

He waits for Suns' reply, the broadcast accepted- he turns from the screen in the corner, looking to the gradually flickering figure of Suns being loaded into place.

" You... oh, Pebbles why didn't you tell me...? "

They gradually appear before him, making their way over to his sitting figure to join him robes sprawled across the floor. They look worried, flinching themselves as The Rot on his face writhes.

" That- that looks so, so incredibly painful... Why didn't you tell me, Pebbs? "

They speak softly, as to not startle the other- to not distress him. He only gives a sigh in reply, steam pooling in the room faintly.

" Didn't want to worry you into working yourself more. "

He replies, before collapsing face-first into Suns' chest, the robe a comfort grown familiar- even if this wasn't too common. The close comfort of a friend- it was always something he'd welcome in these times. It was unfortunate he'd made so many enemies before... and now he was doomed to be alone till the end.

Well, that's what he'd thought without Suns in the picture. He was much happier to have them by his side till he rotted away, at the very least.

Suns simply wraps their arms over his shoulders, a gentle hug covered in layers of glorious attire; decorative yet comfortable. He knew Suns had fancier robes- but it was rare to see them in any.

" Well, you'd be right... if you weren't forcing me to take care of myself. "

Five Pebbles laughed at that one faintly, fingers sprawled across Suns' back comfortably.

" Yeah, yeah... How mean of me, how cruel- "

He calmly teased, muffled faintly through the fabric.

" Does it not hurt to the touch? Apologies for my prodding- just curious. "

Suns remarked, sincere and gentle in tone.

" Not really... just hurts when it grows all the time. It's been pretty slow, luckily. "

He replied, calm.

This simple back-and-fourth droned on for a while, for so much time, Five Pebbles lost track of his notes- HIS notes... ancients be damned, he'd spend his time where he liked.

The call finally ended, after words exchanged- occasional shifts, and a conversation on the beauty of the stars... a wonderful concept, as always.

Five Pebbles felt the exhaustion creep at his systems, and even though he couldn't sleep in a conventional way; he shut down his systems, collapsing functions; and decided to rest till he felt ready to work again.

The gentle pattering of rain filled his mind; no longer muffled by the harsh tone of the rot, nor the clinking of his internal mechanisms; just peaceful, ever-moving rain.

What a lovely thing it was, that kept the cycle at balance;

After all, what was life without water? He couldn't say, as his conscious thought practically drifted off, just like the droplets pattering to the ground below after sliding away from his metal husk.

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