Season 2 Episode 1 Under Pressure

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Season 2 Episode 1 "Under Pressure"

Season 2 Episode 1 description: on one of the hottest days of the year, the first responders feel the pressure

a bunch of 911 calls come on

119 arrives

Katie sees and the rest of the team sees

they see a car in the roof

Guy: "Was I speeding officer?"

Blake: "Hell yeah, you were speeding, and in a stolen car"

Guy: "Wait, no this is a rental"

Blake: "Yeah sure it is"

Car beeps

Guy: "Take me to jail now"

Bride gets out of car

Guy: "Of god please"

Marcus and Katie are jawing the car

Guy: "Excuse me do you know anyone famous who lives here?"

Blake: "Ma'am I'm going have to ask you to keep your distance"

Women: "But you don't know, you don't know what he did to me!"

Blake: "Actually I'm getting a pretty good idea, you're the one who reported the car stolen?"

Women: "Why?"

Blake closes door with bride and groom in

Katie using fishing net to get arm out

Katie: "I got it!"

Firefighters are blowing off smoke

Clara walking around

Blake gets out

Blake: "A DWP worker says the likely cause was frayed cables day like this, they get over heated, start to smolder"

Clara: "Yeah, they do"

Blake: "And with the buildup of combustibles getting trapped underground, when that manhole cover got pulled"

Clara: "Oxygen runs in and boom"

Blake: "Yeah, boom"

Blake looks around and pushes her against the truck and kisses her

Clara: "Looking good Jason! You make it shine, Brad, outstanding haircut Tanya"

Brooke: "You are cheery"

Clara: "Why shouldn't I be?"

Brooke: "I don't know maybe because you been like this for weeks and it's starting to get on my nerves, what's going on with you?"

Katie: "I got another DXA scan, and guess who dropped another percent"

Brooke: "What?"

Katie: "A DXA scan measures body fat, you can see each percent of the body"

Marcus: "Oh yeah? they measure how much fat in your head?"

Katie: "See that would be funny, but we're about a week away from submissions being due for the Hot Dogs, Smoldering Nights Men and Women of the LAFD and I'm already at my goal weight so it seems like my head is perfectly in the clear"

Brooke: "It's stupid"

Clara: "C'mon Brooke"

Brooke: "No, Clara not you too?"

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