chapter one

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''you know Ernst'' a strong masculine voice comes in from seemingly nowhere.' ''Yes Adi'' Rohm replies trying not to make eye contact. As Hitler starts ranting, about goring going off on his, own to a magnificent vacation house while leaving him and Himmler, to fend for them self's. Rohm takes the moment to take in the, most truly elegant planets on the walls and painting he couldn't even guess the age of.' Hung high upon the walls almost giving the room some sought of fourth dimension to it.

''Am yes Adi'' Rohm replied ''is there something you need. I'm guessing you didn't just request a meeting with me for nothing; seeming you just gave me the sack. ''maybe to apologise'' he thinks out loud '' no no Ernst, sometimes I really wish, I could just talk to the one person that's, you know probably gonna hate me the most after being fired. Mabey as much as the Jews hate us; and as you can imagine that's just whom I want to talk to right in this moment.'' '' Well yes I am quite at you really if you had to know; as I did offer many times to resign if the public nonsense was becoming too much.'' Yes, Ernst I know, but anyway. I request your presence at the Hanselbauer hotel with your fellow leaders Karl ernst etc.'''' but why I am no need to you'' Ernst I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself'' wait what do you....'' Be for he knew it Adolf was out the door; probably moving onto some other tasks he deemed more important.

  Later that night when, hereturned home he's his sister and mother at the dinner table; with a quietnice-looking meal. Ernst sits at the table carefully carved out of oak wood.The seats beautifully hand, embroideredwith, the most fashionable marital of the 30s. his sister is siting with in aquiet a charming pair of laced sleep wear. After a divine piece of stake andsome garden salad, that had quiet the palatable dressing. It was to bed for thethree of them. They all went up to their respected bedrooms, hoping to get anacceptable amount of sleep. After arelaxing shower and something saucy to drink Ernst changes into a pair of silksleep wear. His bedroom furnished quiet uniquely. With a deep navy coloured bedframe, so dark a time you would almost think it's back if the light where notto catch glimpses of the bed at times

the next morning Ernst,awakensfrom what seemed to be a pleasing amount of sleep. Ernst stumbles to the shower,and turns on golden taps and after playing around with the taps trying to getthe right mix of hot and cold. He recalls when he and Adolf met, for the firsttime. They met at a gathering celebratingthe end of the brutal first world war. He recalls Adolf telling him about, histime in the military. As more and more people left, he also remembers Adolfinviting him out for a few drinks at a local pub. That night is a bit off ahaze as, all he can remember is thefeeling of surprisingly sweet, fleshy lips on his. Still to this day, he hasnever spoken to Adolf about that night. As he doesn't want to bring up any harmfulmemories of war. Yet still that memorylay fresh in his head as if it were yesterday.

He marches down the pure oakstairs, with a painting drawn of him hung high upon the walls. He thinks how hecame from, a soldier so damaged his life flashed before his eyes, to being oneof the most highly regarded men in the fatherland. His sister is again sitingat the table snug and secure with a thick goat's skin blanket raped around her.He Waves good bye and before she has time to swallow the mouthful of egg, she preciselystuffed in her mouth he is out the door... 

                                                                    to be continued ...

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