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Harry left the living room area into the hallway and picked up some letters, one of which had his name on it with his address of where he slept, and the other had the same details but for Y/N. Uncle Vernon and Dudley sat at the table while Aunt Petunia was busy fixing breakfast. Harry walked in with the mail and handed it to Uncle Vernon, then walked to his seat with his letter.

"Oh, Marge is ill! Ate a funny whelk."

"Oh no... anyway, I'll take my mail thanks Harry." Y/N said as he smiled at his little brother.

Dudley suddenly noticed Harry's letter looked a lot like Y/N's

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Dudley suddenly noticed Harry's letter looked a lot like Y/N's. Dudley ran to grab the letter from Harry and give them to his father.

"Dad! Look! Harry's got a letter!"

"Give it back! It's mine!" Harry protested as he chased the letter until it reached Vernon's hands.

"Yours? Who'd be writing to you two?" Vernon scoffed.

The family gathered to look at the address. There was a broken seal on the letter. The family looked up and Harry gulped, Y/N looked infuriated. Much later, another owl flew by with a letter and dropped it off. Inside, Vernon grabbed a handful of letters and ripped them up.

In the closet, Harry heard a whirring noise. He looked out at Vernon drilling wood over the letterbox opening.

"No more mail through this letterbox." Vernon said sinisterly.

Harry quietly closed the cupboard door.

The next day, Vernon and Petunia are outside the door. Vernon was about to head off to work. Petunia kissed his cheek.

"Have a lovely day at the office, dear." Petunia began. She stopped, looked and saw a bunch of owls, everywhere she looked there was an owl.

"Shoo! Go on!" Vernon shouted.

She notices something and pats Vernon on the shoulder to get his attention, and what they see is more letters addressed to Harry.

Later, Petunia cracked an egg into a bowl, but what came from the egg was not the usual yolk. Instead what came out was a folded-up letter. She cracked another one, but another letter came out as well. She then cracked yet another one, but the same happened again. She stared at the letter, and then she heard the owls screeching. She drew her attention to the outside of the window, and what she saw was four owls sitting on some garden chairs. Petunia then screamed and ran off.

Much later, Vernon was tossing letters into the fireplace. Harry came around the corner. Vernon grins evilly and tossed more in. The next day, the family sat around, as Harry served cookies. and Y/N made drinks for them all.

"Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?"

When Dudley shrugged and didn't answer, as Harry handed a cookie to Vernon before answering.

Carry On, Wayward Sons [Harry Potter's Brother Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant