A/N: I'm sorry I did it again! This one took a lot of re-writing. It took a second to get the emotions where I wanted them to be. Some dark things and dark thoughts in this one, so mild warning. Not enough to tag the fic, but enough to give a head's up, so proceed at your own risk.
Again...I can't apologize enough. All I can say is that we're not done yet! Thank you all so much for reading! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one 😬
Where is he?
Asha bolted through the castle. Stardust sizzled against her skin.
Where is he?
Routes blocked were thrown open with a word.
Where is he?
Footsteps harsh and clipped, echoed. Tossed around high ceilings.
Devoid of life, empty rooms stretched on forever. Each door forced open to find furniture thrown under hasty sheets, walls bare of their tapestries, fireplaces bricked up. Anything of value had been spirited away to some secret place. One that only the king knew. The girl growled and slammed the door after finding much of the same.
Wandering the upper levels, one would easily mistake this place for abandoned. The hallways which spiraled around the structure, fanning out in their feathery construction, all yielded the same results. Nicely sorted and locked up.
From wing to wing she stalked, fury incarnate. Carefully ticking off where he wasn't, her options were becoming fewer and fewer.
Beating heart. Beating head. Her vision was red.
More stardust.
A stairwell was revealed. Tucked away, and horribly thin. It was maybe two feet wide.
More stardust.
She climbed two, three, steps at a time. She stumbled into a cavernous hallway. The walls stark and white without their paintings. She marched, blowing out the doors nearest. A small study.
More stardust.
Thick wood cracked. A library, full of barren shelves.
More stardust.
On she went, growing more enraged with every step she took. Her rhythm of shattered wood and bitter taunts not breaking for a second.
"Come on out, you coward!" she called.
"You monster!"
"You wretch!"
"You impostor!"
But she went unanswered.
"Come on! Come and get me! I'm ready for you!"
Breathing hard, she finally found herself staring down the carefully carved doors of the throne room. Huge silver handles glinted, transforming her reflection into something serpentine. Snarling, her glittering hands struck the ornate wood and they crashed inward. Hanging broken off battered hinges, they fell to the floor, cracking the marble underneath. No guards met her as she entered. The room dim, heavy curtains were drawn and tethered. Makeshift barriers stood before them, reinforcing the shrouded arcade. Not a whisper of wind blew through that room. All was stagnant and stale. A self-made prison. Dark except for the golden light that filtered across the polished floor and licked at her feet. The mural wiped away, the entrance to the secret room was open.

Of Stardust and Wishes (A Wish Rewrite)
Fanfiction"Salvē!" The golden specter repeated. She was in shock. That had to be it. All that tossing around in the water must have shaken her insides around enough to make her see things. She blinked a few times, but he was still there, looking even more con...